
恋愛無駄話 - Long Distance

Hello everyone, hope everyone is doing well and staying healthy!

Just changing it up a little bit, I decided to write this “note” in English. This is probably just for today for no particular reason. If I had to come up with one, it’s probably because I wanted to do sort of a brain dump in English.

I am not sure how many of you will be reading it, but just a fair warning, I have not written English “essay” / “diary” since the first year in college so please bear with me. Recently most of the “essays” (documents) that I write in English are pure technical design documentations. 😅

Anyways, today I want to write about long distance relationships. People usually say long distance relationships are hard to maintain and they do not last really long. Unfortunately, I can second that.

Most of the relationships that I have had since I moved to the US have been long distance relationships. Needless to say most of them did not last long. In fact the shortest one was merely 3 weeks. (I do not know whether I can categorize that as a relationship)

I am engaged now to my girlfriend in Japan in March and so far we are doing great with some quarrels here and there. I think most of the issues won’t be a problem if I move back to Japan.

That’s why I was planning to transfer back to Japan with my current company, but life always likes to throw curveballs ⚾️ at us. With the situation that we are in today, where changes are happening so rapidly it’s hard to plan for anything. Furthermore, Google recently announced that they will be slowing down hiring, which probably affects the transfer process as well. 😢

Basically I am left in a place where I do not know what's the next plan of action. Since I usually like to plan things months in advance, I am struggling everyday with no clear picture ahead of me. Oh wow, that sounds overly dramatic but, to put in simpler terms basically I have no freaking clue of what to do anymore.

I guess what I can do for now is just try to focus on work and maintain this relationship. I do not think anyone prefers to have a long distance relationship, but there is not much that I can do to change that. I really do not want to give up on this relationship, so I will just try my best to make my girlfriend happy and do what I can to support her through the rough times. That’s probably the best I can do and I need to be focused on that! 👍

Thanks for reading my brain dump note with no conclusion or whatsoever! Peace~!
