
オーストラリアでの妊婦生活 | Pregnancy Life in Australia

(English follows Japanese)

夫は現在シーズンオフで日本に滞在中ですが、仕事(講演会やイベント)、試合の振り返りや来シーズンのプランニングなど何かと毎日忙しそうに過ごしています。 私のスポーツ選手のイメージでは、シーズンオフは完全にスイッチを切って休むもんだと思っていましたが意外と 1 年を通してアクティブにしています。
夫がシドニーへ帰国するまであと 1 週間半ほど、離れた生活が続きます。


1. オーストラリアの妊婦健診
2. リラックスタイムの過ごし方
3. 勉強

1. オーストラリアの妊婦検診
日本の妊婦健診では、検診の頻度が決まっている場合が多く、健診の度に超音波検査、尿検査、血圧、体重測定など検診内容が徹底されていますが、オーストラリアは(※ 私の通っているシドニーの RPA 病院では)かなり緩い内容です。妊娠後期の妊婦健診は 2 週間に1 回、臨月からは 1 週間が推奨とされていますが来れる範囲でオーケーというスタイルなので、私のように 1ヶ月近くメルボルンに滞在して定期健診に行けなくてもあまり気にされません。妊娠後期では超音波検査は妊娠 36週目に一回あるのみで、体重測定、血圧測定、尿検査も毎回はしません。超音波検査(エコー検査)の代わりに毎回の検診では聴診器を使用して胎児心音を図ったり、腹部の触診で子宮内の退治の位置や姿勢を確認したりします。また、日本のように妊娠中の体重増加について厳しく注意されないので、細かい所を気にしないルーズさが私は気に入っています。ただ、オーストラリアでは出産時の入院期間が短いので(一般的には1-2日、長くても 3-4日)安産と早い回復のための体力づくりとして毎日のマタニティヨガとウォーキングは欠かさず行うようにしています。

2. リラックスタイムの過ごし方



また、メルボルンはオーストラリアの "カフェ発祥の地" とも言われており、カフェ文化がとても発達しています。こだわり抜いたコーヒーやフードメニューが多く、東京の人気カフェのように混雑することもないので、おしゃれな空間でリラックスした時間を過ごすことができます。カフェ巡りはメルボルンでの私の楽しみと幸せな時間の一つです。


3. 勉強



My husband is currently in his off-season, but has been quite busy with work (giving lectures and attending events,) reflecting back on his competitions and also planning for the next season. I always thought athletes are completely switched-off from their sport during off-season and is more relaxed and rested, but Hajimu is pretty active throughout the whole year.
Another 1.5 weeks until he returns back to Sydney, so I’m really looking forward to seeing him soon!

I am now in my maternity leave, so I decided to come to Australia earlier to spend some time at my parents’ place in Melbourne. For a change, today’s post will be about me, sharing how I’m spending my pregnancy life in Melbourne. 

1. Pregnancy check-ups
2. Ways to relax
3. Study

1. Pregnancy check-ups
Prenatal care in Japan is perfectly organised; you are required to visit the clinic frequently and every standard check-up includes: ultrasounds, urinalysis, blood pressure and weight checks. On the contrary, prenatal care in Australia (RPAH in Sydney) is more relaxed. They recommend regular checkups however it is not compulsory so the patient has the flexibility to choose the frequency of check-ups and the type of tests to take. So it was not a big deal for me to spend 1 month away from Sydney to skip a few check-ups. In the final trimester, an ultrasound is performed only once around the 36th week of pregnancy, and unlike in Japan weight, blood pressure, and urine tests are not performed every time. They do however monitor the fetal heart rate using a special device and feels the mother’s abdomen to check the baby’s position. Also, they don’t pay too much attention to weight gain during pregnancy so overall I personally like this relaxed style. However, hospital stay after the baby is born is really short in Australia (generally 1-2 days, or 3-4 days at most if you have an uncomplicated birth.) So I try to stay fit and gain strength by doing yoga and walk everyday to help me have an easy labour. 

2. Ways to relax
Hormonal changes in pregnancy often causes mood swings and makes me emotional sometimes, but my time in Melbourne has been really relaxing. (Thank you especially to my parents for helping me a lot.) There’s a lot of relaxing things you can do in Melbourne, and one is to visit the beautiful parks and gardens that is located within walking distance from the city. Many locals and office workers would come out to the park to spend their lunch break or for a short work-out. I wish there were more gardens like this in Tokyo where you can relax and take in the natural landscape.


Australia’s coffee culture is said to have originated in Melbourne, and it has grown to be one of the most popular coffee places in the world. Coffee baristas in Melbourne takes pride in their unique, and carefully selected coffee and cafe menus, and you can enjoy high-quality coffee in many places in the city. Unlike cafes in Tokyo, cafes in Melbourne are not too crowded so It’s also great that you can easily find a stylish cafe to relax for a long time. Exploring new cafe spots and spending time at cafes is one of my favourite things to do as it helps me relax and unwind.


3. Study
Since I entered maternity leave and have more time to spare, I have also been spending a lot of my time studying. It’s hard to predict how much free time I will have after giving birth, so I’m hoping to make use of this time to brush up my knowledge on nutrition and health. The majority of my time now is spent taking online courses, but I also read nutritional food plans suggested to sports dieticians by IOC (International Olympic Committee) and other medical reports and articles. I have never been good at studies, but I can easily spend hours reading articles about nutrition and health as It is so interesting to learn!
Melbourne has many public libraries, so I often take a stroll to study in the library. The photo below was taken at the State Library Victoria, Australia's oldest public library: established in 1854. It is one of my favourite places to study.


I will be flying back to Sydney this week and plan to spend my last month of pregnancy before giving birth. I just really hope I can continue having a happy, relaxing pregnancy.

最後まで読んでくださりありがとうございます! Thank you for reading!