
Portrait Photography Technique


Effective communication with your subject is crucial. Engage in light conversation and use smiles to put them at ease, helping to elicit relaxed poses and natural expressions.

Framing and Composition

In addition to placing the subject at the center, consider the subject's gaze, pose, and background when determining the composition. Use techniques like the Rule of Thirds and diagonal lines to create a balanced composition.

Background Blur

To emphasize the subject, make use of background blur effects. By achieving a shallow depth of field, you can capture portraits where the subject stands out even more.

Use of Light

Utilize natural and artificial light effectively. Choose soft light and ensure even brightness on the subject's face.

Natural Poses and Expressions

Bringing out natural poses and expressions from the subject is crucial. Aim for relaxed and authentic expressions, avoiding forced poses or tense expressions.

Use of Gaze and Eye Contact

The direction of the gaze and the use of eye contact can convey the subject's emotions and intentions. Employ direct eye contact with the camera for a direct connection, or elegant gazes looking into the distance.

Environment and Theme

Behind every portrait, there can be a story or theme. Depending on the subject's characteristics and situation, choose the appropriate environment and theme to complement the portrait.

Retouching and Post-Processing

After the shoot, retouching and color adjustments are carried out to achieve a more refined look. However, it's important to maintain a natural finish.

Expression and Individuality

Focus on bringing out the subject's personality and features. Portraits often shine when they highlight the subject's unique individuality.
