Master Photo Method

"写真好き、集合!Master Photo Methodでプロ技&稼ぎ方を全…

Master Photo Method

"写真好き、集合!Master Photo Methodでプロ技&稼ぎ方を全公開。本や学校じゃ教えない裏技も!未来のプロフォトグラファー、ここから始めよう📸"


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現実と虚構の境界 写真はカメラを通して実際に存在した瞬間を捉えるとされてきましたが、写真が常に客観的な事実を反映しているわけではありません。写真家は構図や光の演出、撮影のタイミングなどを通じて、意図的に写真に自らの視点や感情を込めることがあります。そのため、写真は現実と虚構の境界にある表現手段とも言えます。 時間の凍結と記憶の切り取り 写真は一瞬の時間を凍結して記録することができます。特定の瞬間や風景を切り取ることで、その瞬間の記憶を後世に残すことができます。写真は過去

    • オンライン写真授業体験記: 風景のメリハリをつけるテクニック

      こんにちは、写真家さん、写真愛好家の皆さん、チャーリーです。 この記事では、2023年9月24日に行われたMaster Photo Methodのオンライン写真授業についての感想と、特に印象に残ったことを「風景」テーマに焦点を当ててお話しします。 ※最後に、実際の授業内容をフル動画で見ることができます。 授業のポイントは「メリハリをつけること」。その中でも、私にとって特に印象的だったのは、天の川の写真でした。レタッチで星と星雲、空と宇宙のメリハリを活かすことで、写真に写って

      • Blending the Past and Future: The Art of Mixing Digital and Film Photography

        Film photography offers a classic aesthetic, while digital photography provides advanced benefits.By incorporating both, you can create a unique style and expression. In this article, we'll delve into the art of skillfully blending digital

        • Techniques for Capturing the Beauty of Transparent Light in Photography

          Light is one of the magical elements in photography, and the beauty it brings with its transparency is truly unmatched. In this article, we'll explore professional techniques for making the most of translucent light in any location. Let's d

        • 固定された記事


          Journey to Discover Individuality: Exploring the Beauty of Self-Discovery

          Life is an amazing journey. Within this journey, getting to know yourself, understanding, and discovering your individuality is a significant step towards fulfillment and contentment. In this article, we'll explore, from a professional pers

          Journey to Discover Individuality: Exploring the Beauty of Self-Discovery

          How to Turn Ordinary Places into Extraordinary Locations: Ideas to Work Photographic Magic

          To capture the best photos, you don't need to travel to extraordinary places. In fact, there are ways to transform familiar locations into captivating settings. This article introduces techniques and ideas to turn ordinary streets and place

          How to Turn Ordinary Places into Extraordinary Locations: Ideas to Work Photographic Magic

          Getting Started with Milky Way Photography: Capturing the Night Sky with Your Camera

          Countless stars glittering in the night sky, along with the beautiful Milky Way. Capturing such a grand scene with a camera is like experiencing pure magic. In this article, we'll introduce the fundamental steps of Milky Way photography, ma

          Getting Started with Milky Way Photography: Capturing the Night Sky with Your Camera

          Photography Workshop for Capturing Memorable Moments of Children: Techniques and Approaches to Preserve Heartwarming Moments

          Capturing the moments and growth of children through photographs creates wonderful, lifelong memories. However, to beautifully capture the natural expressions and energy of children, a special approach and technique are required. In this ar

          Photography Workshop for Capturing Memorable Moments of Children: Techniques and Approaches to Preserve Heartwarming Moments

          Recipe for Adding Sparkle to Everyday Photos

          Even in everyday landscapes and events, there are hidden moments of enchanting beauty. Photography serves as a means to capture these moments and etch them into memory forever. In this article, we'll present you with recipes, from the persp

          Recipe for Adding Sparkle to Everyday Photos

          Magic of Natural Light: Fundamental Approaches to Beautiful Still Life Photography

          1. Choosing the Right Lighting ConditionsWhen utilizing natural light, such as sunlight or light coming through a window, it's important to avoid direct harsh sunlight. Opt for soft, diffused light. Overcast days or during sunrise and sunse

          Magic of Natural Light: Fundamental Approaches to Beautiful Still Life Photography

          The Magic of Photography: Why Do We Click the Shutter?

          Photography is the magic that captures a fleeting moment of our lives. In the instant the shutter clicks, time freezes, and memory intertwines with reality. Let's unravel the profound reasons why we take photographs, from a professional per

          The Magic of Photography: Why Do We Click the Shutter?

          Harmony of Light and Shadow: Narrative Expression Through Photography Using Shadows

          Understanding how to capture shadows to create a sense of narrative is a crucial element in photography, adding depth, drama, and a storytelling quality to your images. Below, we'll explore some key points on capturing shadows that evoke na

          Harmony of Light and Shadow: Narrative Expression Through Photography Using Shadows

          Capturing Flavor and Beauty: Pro Secrets of Food Photography

          here are some secrets for taking beautiful and captivating food photos. 1. Harnessing Natural LightIn food photography, it's essential to make use of natural light. Utilize the soft light near windows and avoid direct sunlight or harsh art

          Capturing Flavor and Beauty: Pro Secrets of Food Photography

          The Magic of Photobooks: Preserving Memories Forever from a Pro Perspective

          A photobook is like a magical way to weave stories through collected photographs. As a means to capture fleeting moments and shape memories into tangible form, let's explore the essence of this art from a professional perspective. 1. Choos

          The Magic of Photobooks: Preserving Memories Forever from a Pro Perspective

          Through the Lens of Fantasy: Captured from a Pro Photographer's Perspective

          1. Building ThemesFantastical photographs often tell a story. It's important to construct a theme or concept and think about how to convey that story through your photos. Ensuring that scenes, models, props, lighting, and more align with yo

          Through the Lens of Fantasy: Captured from a Pro Photographer's Perspective

          In-Depth Guide to Artistic Concept Sheets Practiced by Top Professionals

          TitleClarity A title should encapsulate the essence of the project. Specific and visually evocative names are more effective than overly abstract ones. Summarizing the ConceptConciseness This section is like an elevator pitch. It should

          In-Depth Guide to Artistic Concept Sheets Practiced by Top Professionals