

mistral-nemo:12b-instruct-2407-fp16.  7bb1e26a5ed5 • 25GB
ollama version is 0.3.3 で比較

% ollama run mistral-nemo:12b-instruct-2407-fp16 --verbose
>>> Hello
Hello! How can I assist you today? Let's have a great conversation. 😊

total duration: 1.936021375s
load duration: 32.278833ms
prompt eval count: 4 token(s)
prompt eval duration: 637.795ms
prompt eval rate: 6.27 tokens/s
eval count: 20 token(s)
eval duration: 1.264271s
eval rate: 15.82 tokens/s
>>> What's the meaning of life?
That's a profound question that philosophers, religions, and individuals
have pondered for centuries. Here are a few perspectives:

1. **Existentialism**: Existentialists like Jean-Paul Sartre argued that
life has no inherent meaning or purpose, and it's up to each individual to
create their own.

2. **Religious Perspectives**: Many religions offer their own
interpretations. For example:
- In Christianity, the purpose of life might be seen as loving God and
others, and preparing for eternal life.
- In Buddhism, the purpose could be achieving enlightenment and ending
the cycle of rebirth.

3. **Hedonism**: Hedonists believe the purpose of life is to seek pleasure
and happiness.

4. **Humanism**: Humanists might say the purpose of life is to promote
human flourishing and happiness in this world through reason, ethics, and

5. **Biological Perspective**: From a scientific standpoint, one might say
the meaning of life is to survive and reproduce, ensuring the continuation
of our species.

6. **Personal Growth**: Many people find meaning in personal growth,
learning, and self-improvement.

Ultimately, the meaning of life may be a deeply personal and subjective
concept. It could be helpful to reflect on what gives your life purpose
and what you're passionate about.

total duration: 18.56668675s
load duration: 31.466333ms
prompt eval count: 33 token(s)
prompt eval duration: 625.173ms
prompt eval rate: 52.79 tokens/s
eval count: 269 token(s)
eval duration: 17.906124s
eval rate: 15.02 tokens/s
>>> /clear
Cleared session context
>>> こんにちは
こんにちは! (Hello!) How can I assist you today? Let me know if you have
any questions or just want to chat. 😊

total duration: 2.616679875s
load duration: 28.453917ms
prompt eval count: 5 token(s)
prompt eval duration: 598.582ms
prompt eval rate: 8.35 tokens/s
eval count: 31 token(s)
eval duration: 1.988508s
eval rate: 15.59 tokens/s
>>> 人生の意味を論じて

1. **目的論的な見方**: ある人は、人生には明確な目標や意味があると考え、それは神や超越的存在から与えられたと考えています。この視点では、各個人が自分の役割を見つけ、それを果たすことが人生の目的であると信じています。

2. **実存主義的な見方**: 実存主義者は、世界に先天的に与えられた目標や意味はないと考えます。彼らは、各個人が自らの人生を作り出し、その意味を決める責任を負っていると信じています。この視点では、人生の目的とは、自己実現や個々人の価値観に基づいた目標を達成することであるとされます。

3. **幸福主義的な見方**: 喜びと幸福を求めることが人生の目的に他ならないという考えもあります。この視点では、人生の意味とは、個々人ができるだけ幸せで満足した生活を送ることにあるとされます。

4. **アルファベットのような見方**: 生物学者リチャード・ドーキンスは、人生の目的は遺伝子の自己複製にあるuppertを主張しています。この視点では、人生の意味とは、我々が生き延びることで我々の遺伝子を世代に渡って残すことにあるとされます。

ultimately, the meaning of life may be a deeply personal and subjective
concept. Each person might find their own unique answer through
introspection, personal growth, and exploration of the world around them.

total duration: 29.932636125s
load duration: 30.255375ms
prompt eval count: 47 token(s)
prompt eval duration: 682.193ms
prompt eval rate: 68.90 tokens/s
eval count: 435 token(s)
eval duration: 29.216043s
eval rate: 14.89 tokens/s

MacBook Pro 16inch 11月 2023
Apple M3 Max 64GB

おおよそ 15 tokens/s

>>> Hello
Hello! How are you doing today? Is there anything I can help with? Let me know if you need some information,
advice, or just someone to talk to. 😊

total duration: 9.5136314s
load duration: 5.774417s
prompt eval count: 4 token(s)
prompt eval duration: 101.344ms
prompt eval rate: 39.47 tokens/s
eval count: 38 token(s)
eval duration: 3.635998s
eval rate: 10.45 tokens/s
>>> What's the meaning of life?
The question "What is the meaning of life?" has been asked for centuries and doesn't have one definitive answer as
it can vary greatly depending on personal beliefs, religious or spiritual views, and philosophical perspectives.
Here are a few viewpoints:

1. **Existentialism**: Existentialists like Jean-Paul Sartre argued that life has no inherent meaning, and it's up
to each individual to create their own purpose.

2. **Religious and Spiritual Beliefs**: Many religions provide their own answers. For example:
- In Christianity, the purpose of life might be seen as loving and serving God.
- In Buddhism, the purpose could be achieving enlightenment.
- In Hinduism, the purpose might involve fulfilling one's dharma and ultimately achieving Moksha (liberation
from the cycle of birth and death).

3. **Hedonism**: Hedonists believe the purpose of life is to seek pleasure and happiness.

4. **Humanism**: Humanists might say the purpose of life is to promote human flourishing, which could involve
personal growth, relationships, and contributing positively to society.

5. **Biological Perspective**: From a scientific or biological standpoint, one might argue that the purpose of
life is simply to survive and reproduce, ensuring the continuation of our species.

Ultimately, the meaning of life may be a deeply personal and subjective concept. It could be helpful to reflect on
what gives your life purpose, what you're passionate about, and what kind of legacy you'd like to leave behind.

total duration: 30.5113663s
load duration: 18.1091ms
prompt eval count: 52 token(s)
prompt eval duration: 422.258ms
prompt eval rate: 123.15 tokens/s
eval count: 308 token(s)
eval duration: 30.068232s
eval rate: 10.24 tokens/s
>>> /clear
Cleared session context
>>> こんにちは
Kon'nichi wa! That's Japanese for "hello". How can I assist you today? Let's have a great conversation. 😊

total duration: 3.1210895s
load duration: 17.4553ms
prompt eval count: 5 token(s)
prompt eval duration: 382.985ms
prompt eval rate: 13.06 tokens/s
eval count: 30 token(s)
eval duration: 2.719557s
eval rate: 11.03 tokens/s
>>> 人生の意味を論じて
Of course, let's discuss the meaning of life.

Philosophers, religions, and individuals throughout history have grappled with this profound question. Here are a
few perspectives:

1. **Existentialism**: Existentialists like Jean-Paul Sartre argued that life has no inherent meaning, and it's up
to each individual to create their own purpose.

2. **Religious Perspectives**: Many religions provide their own answers. For example:
- In Christianity, the purpose of life might be seen as loving and serving God.
- In Buddhism, the purpose could be achieving enlightenment.

3. **Hedonism**: Hedonists believe the purpose of life is to seek pleasure and happiness.

4. **Altruism**: Some people find meaning in life through helping others and making the world a better place.

5. **Personal Growth**: Many people find purpose in learning, growing, and becoming the best version of

6. **Biological Perspective**: From a scientific standpoint, one might say the purpose of life is to survive and
reproduce, ensuring the continuation of our species.

Ultimately, the meaning of life may be a deeply personal and subjective concept. It could be helpful to reflect on
what gives your life purpose and what you're passionate about.

What's your perspective on the meaning of life? I'm here to listen and discuss further if you'd like.

total duration: 27.0572256s
load duration: 17.2677ms
prompt eval count: 46 token(s)
prompt eval duration: 368.533ms
prompt eval rate: 124.82 tokens/s
eval count: 281 token(s)
eval duration: 26.668348s
eval rate: 10.54 tokens/s
>>> /clear
Cleared session context
>>> 人生の意味を、日本語で論じて
人生の意味というテーマは古くからPhilosophers, thinkers, and religious leadersによって議論されてきました。以下は、いくつかの主要な立場を日本語で紹介します。

1. **存在主義**: 存在主義者は、人生には固有の意味があり、我々がそれを発見しなくてはならないとは考えていません。
instead, they argue that life's meaning is whatever we make of it. 毎日を生きることで、我々自身が我々の人生に価値と意義を与えることになるのだと言います。
- 代表的な存在主義者: Jean-Paul Sartre, Simone de Beauvoir, Albert Camus

2. **一神教**: 一神教(キリスト教、イスラム教、ユダヤ教など)では、人生は神から与えられた使命を果たすためのものだと見なされます。 我々が神に従い、その教義にしたがって生きることで、我々の人生には意義と目的が与えられると信じられています。
- 聖書や聖典: Bible, Quran, Torah

3. **仏教**: 仏教は、人生の苦しみから解放され、悟りを得るために存在すると教えます。 我々が正しい道(八正道)に沿って生き、業報の法則に従い、自己実現と世界平和への貢献を目指すことで、人生には意義があると信じられています。
- 主要な仏典: Tripitaka, Dhammapada

4. **生命の目的は成長と学習**: この立場では、人生の目的は我々が新しいことを学び、成長し、自己実現することであるとされます。 我々は経験を通して知識を蓄積し、より優れた存在になるために人生を送るべきだと考えられています。
- 関連する思想家: Abraham Maslow, Carl Rogers

5. **自己実現**: 自己実現理論の支持者は、人生の目的は自己実現であり、我々が可能な限り完全な個性を発揮し、能力を伸ばすことであると信じます。 自己実現には、他者との関わりや社会への貢献も含まれると考えられています。
- 主要な思想家: Abraham Maslow, Carl Rogers


total duration: 1m2.6649277s
load duration: 16.4257ms
prompt eval count: 15 token(s)
prompt eval duration: 376.916ms
prompt eval rate: 39.80 tokens/s
eval count: 654 token(s)
eval duration: 1m2.269727s
eval rate: 10.50 tokens/s

プロセッサ AMD Ryzen 9 5950X 16-Core Processor 3.70 GHz
実装 RAM 64.0 GB
GPU NVIDIA GeForce RTX 3090 24.0GB
Windows 11 Pro 23H2

おおよそ 10 tokens/s
GPU からあふれ出てる感じは下記のスクショ参考に。

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