
My Work - Specialist in Storytelling, Speech, and Ears


Hello. My name is Luna. I usually work as a ST (speech hearing learning therapist) at a child development support & after-school day care service. I am not as smart as the ST teachers in the world, and I am not good at research and study, so I cannot pass on my knowledge, but I have received a lot of appreciation and gratitude from patients, children, their families and staff... I think I am the one who has built a very good relationship with them. I also received many letters of appreciation.

I have had the opportunity to work in many areas. As an ST (about 14 years of experience this year), I have worked at facilities for severely-retarded children, child development support centers, local recovery wards, convalescent wards, group rehabilitation, outpatient rehabilitation, day rehabilitation, visiting rehabilitation, acute wards in the city center, recovery wards, community care comprehensive wards, palliative care wards, and students at ST training schools. Lectures as a ST concerned, joint case presentations at various conferences (not only by myself but also with the help of others), (currently) child development support, after-school day care service, training for aphasia support business

◉Past jobs other than ST, comfort performances at nursing homes, accompaniment for choir groups
◉Volunteer work, support for kindergarten and nursery school Volunteer work, support for kindergartens and nursery schools
◉ Qualifications and experience: Speech-language pathologist, certified mental psychomusic advisor by the Japan Medical Psychotherapy Association, certified music therapy counselor by the Japan Instructor Technology Association, over 30 years of piano experience, music high school graduate, euphonium experience in a brass band, choral accompanist, chorus accompanist, and chorus sound recording experience. I was born with hearing loss, cause unknown, sensorineural hearing loss in both ears, wear hearing aids in both ears
◉I have hearing loss
◉I was born with hearing loss, cause unknown, sensorineural hearing loss in both ears, wear hearing aids in both ears
◉I started picture diary therapy with my mother at age 3, speech training with a speech therapist.

I am grateful for the people I have met so far. I have been able to experience many places, I have grown tremendously, and I am able to look at things calmly and with big eyes. Even though I have changed workplaces, I still keep in touch with people with whom I have a connection.

In my notebook, I would like to write about work events, hobbies, and my daily thoughts (ᐡ -̥ ̫ -̥ ᐡ).

Recently, I started a "consultation for your worries" service on a website called "Coconara". Please come take a peek if you like.
We are preparing other services as well.

See you next time~(๑>◡<๑)

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興味深い!と思った方はぜひサポートをお願いします^^いただいたサポートはnote活動費として使わせていただきます٩( 'ω' )و