
Day70 ニュージーランドでワーホリ生活-最強のホームステイの形を理解したかもしれない。


Today's episodes

・It was my first time driving in New Zealand
・"Bluff", the most southern part of New Zealand
・Yuya's Japanese Curry & Rice
・Drinking & Playing cards night

I could sleep well today. I had some leftovers for breakfast.
Dawn had to go to work today. Yuya and I planned to go to Bluff. There is a famous fish & chips restaurant.

I just got a NZ driver's licence last week, so I can drive here legally. We borrowed her car for a while.
It was my first time driving in New Zealand. But the traffic rules are almost the same between Japan and New Zealand. That's why I can get the licence easily. It was not difficult to drive. But in Petro station, I was a bit confused because the operation was different from the Japanese one.

It took about thirty minutes to Bluff. Here is famous for oysters and fish & chips. We went to the Bluff Lookout first. But it was too windy today, and then it rained sometimes! So we headed to the fish & chips restaurant soon. But it was a day off today. (lol) We should research more. It is what it is. We went to another fish & chips takeaway shop. Then, there was the next problem the oyster wasn't available until next March 2024! What an unlucky man we were.

The weather was terrible all day. We just stayed  and chilled out at home. Yuya cooked Japanese-style curry for us. I ate it the first time since I came to NZ. It was soooo good!

After dinner, we played cards while drinking. Dawn told us the rules, but it was almost the same with Daifugo surprisingly. We played a few kinds of games, I kept winning. Yay!

I'm happy to be here. I can touch a lot of new things. Dawn and Yuya make me relax. I actually don't want to move here. I really appreciate them.



どんどん風も強くなるので午後からは大人しく引きこもり。ディズニー好きなドーンとユーヤのおかげで二日目にしてもう4作観てる。しかも全部見たことないやつ。昨日はモアナ→ミラベルと魔法だらけの家→ヘラクレス。今日はTurning Red/ 私ときどきレッサーパンダ


