
Day69 ニュージーランドでワーホリ生活-ローカルライフ体験中


Today's episodes

・Early Morning Walking
・The classical New Zealand breakfast
・I played volleyball for the first time in a few years.
・Disney Movies night

I didn't write in my diary not much yesterday because I was very tired.
I have come to Invercargill to meet my friend Dawn. She is my friend's friend. My friend  introduced me to Dawn before I arrived in New Zealand and she gave me a lot of information about this country. That's why I have wanted to meet her one day. I'm glad to see her finally!

There is a Japanese guy Yuya in Dawn's house for language exchange each other. We had promised to go walking with her dog in the morning. We went to the beach at around 8:00 a.m. I was very sleepy and it was really cold. But the scenery was so beautiful. It made me feel good.

Backing home, we had breakfast. I asked Dawn "What's the classical meals in New Zealand". She said the following; Breakfast is toast with butter, vegemite and cheeze. Lunch is sandwiches. Dinner is Roast meat with vegetables and bread or pasta. Sometimes it will be some Thai food, Chinese food and Japanese food. Basically, there seems to be a variety of nationality foods in New Zealand.
She made some toast with cheese and vegemite for me. I liked it! Speaking of vegemite which has a bit of strong taste, some people don't like it even Kiwi.

Yuya and I went to play volleyball with Julian. He is originally from Argentina and lives in Invercargill. He belongs to a local volleyball team.
I played volleyball for the first time in a few years. It was really fun and hard. I must have myalgia tomorrow. (lol)
The team members were kind and friendly. But it was very difficult to listen to their casual English among them.

After that, we had a tea break time at home. We started to watch the Moana at first. Then we watched a total of three Disney movies until before bed. It was Moana, Encanto and Hercules. I was able to listen to almost all English. It was good listening practice.

昨日は盛り沢山過ぎて力尽きてしまいじっくり書くことができませんでしたが、改めまして今は南島の中でも最南部の街Invercargill/ インバーカーギルという場所へ来ています。
波照間時代に仲良くしてくれた方の友人がこちらに住んでいて、事前にNew Zealand情報をたくさんもらってお世話になっていたのでこっちにいる間に会いたくてきたのが目的です!



