
Day334 ニュージーランドでワーホリ生活-1人でなんとか回し切りました

I was only the lead spotter for today's survey. My buddy helped with an event for kids at the Fyffe House. I was a bit worried about doing the survey as a lead spotter, but I made it. I got a new experience and confidence! Also, I enjoyed meeting a lot of people who liked whales and dolphins! If you have any passion for something, that's a really good opportunity to make a friend. There is no need for language.

On the survey day, my lunch is actually only three protein bars, lol. It's obviously not enough for me, but I don't have time to eat that much. So I eat a lot for dinner. I made a big tomato pasta. Eating is my happiness every day.

Tomorrow, I'll be on the peninsula a bit later than usual. I'll sleep well!

調査3日目、今日は相方がイベントの手伝いの方に行ってたので観察のリーダーは自分だけ。一抹の不安を抱えながらもなんとかやり切りました。途中忙しすぎたけど…笑 少しまた経験と自信を積み重ねて成長できたかなと思います。参加してくれるボランティアの人たちがいい人ばっかりでそれに助けられてる、何よりみんな鯨類が好きな前提やから馴染みやすい。やっぱ好きとか得意のもとに集まると言葉はいらないよね。



