うちではいつ始まったか定かではないけれど、毎週金曜日と土曜日はFamily Movie Night と決まっている。金曜日の夜になると、子供達(時には大人も)でどの映画を観ようかと相談し始める。夕食後、片付けが終わった後、ポップコーンやスナック菓子、アイスクリームなどを用意して、みんなでテレビの前に座って映画を見る。子供が3人ともまだ小さかった頃は、ディズニー映画やなどの子供向けの映画を一緒に見ていた。現在では、上の子が14歳なので、時々2グループに分かれて、ちょっと内容が難しかったりティーン向けの内容の映画も見るようになった。大体、旦那が上の子と一緒に見て、私は下の子たちと違う映画を見る。たまーに、私も旦那も上の子と見ることもある。


私の小さい頃、家族で映画を見たことってあんまり覚えていない。毎週のMovie Nightも、もちろんなかった。日本では、珍しいことなのだろうか?私の姉の家族もそんなことをやっていたとかは聞いたことがない。アメリカでもやっているうちとやってないうちがあると思うけれど、Movie Night は絶対おすすめ。家族の時間ができるから。Movie Nightの間は、携帯電話や、タブレットは禁止。子供達も、私や旦那が忙しくて映画見れない時はとても悲しそう。
次の日には朝ごはんの時に、映画の感想をみんなで話し合うことも多い。どこが面白かったか、どうしてストーリーがこう展開してったのか、自分が作者だったらどうしたいか、とか色々話す。結構盛り上がる。子供とのコミュニケーションが取りたい!と思っている親御さんたちには、Family Movie Night, 絶対おすすめ。




I do not remember when or how we started this tradition, but every Friday and Saturday, we have a family movie night. Every Friday, the kids decide on what they want to see together. After dinner, we sit down, have popcorn or other snacks and watch the movie. When the kids were younger, all we could watch was Disney movies or other G or PG movies. Lately, though, as our oldest is now 14 and is able to watch some adult themed movies, the selection has become a bit harder to agree on. Consequently, how we watch movies has changed. Sometimes when our oldest has the movie she really wants to watch, we divide and conquer. My husband watches a PG13 (and up) movie with our oldest, and I watch a PG movie with the littles. And when both parents want to watch the PG13 and up movie, the littles will watch another one by themselves. However this rarely happens on family movie night.

Personally, I don’t really care what movies to watch. I let the kids choose one. My husband, however, participates in the decision making with the kids. As you can imagine, sometimes it can take a while for them to agree.

I don’t remember watching a movie with my family when I was growing up. I don’t think my sister’s family has done it either. I don’t know if this is uncommon in Japan; to watch a movie at home with kids, but I strongly recommend it. It is a time for family, and my kids really look forward to it. If my husband or I do not watch with them, for whatever the reason, they are very disappointed. Sometimes, the next day at breakfast, we would talk about the movie, highlighting major plot points, what we liked or disliked and maybe even what the writers could have done differently. It’s fun, and a great way to communicate with your children. If you are looking for a way to connect with your family, I recommend having a family movie night.

Last week, the movie of our choice was Sonic the Hedgehog for the little kids, and American Fiction for our oldest and parents.

We have watched Sonic the Hedgehog in the past together, so it was okay for the kids to watch it by themselves. Personally, I like the first one more than the sequel. My 7-year-old son likes the sequel.

American Fiction, which was one of the nominees for the Oscar, was a good movie. It was funny and witty. We like to watch movies that depict cultural or political issues. Even though there were curse words, and some violence, I think a 14 year old can enjoy the movie if the parents are ready to discuss the topic and issues raised in the movie.
