
英語Reading:A Mother's Love

Hi there! 英語コーチのMaikoです。




Step 1: 通しで読んでみる


A Mother's Love

Once upon a time, in a cozy little village, there was a kind-hearted woman named Sarah. She was a loving wife and a caring mother to two children, Emma and Jacob. Mother's Day was just around the corner, and everyone in the family was excited.

Emma, a talented artist, wanted to make something special for her mom. She decided to draw a colorful picture of their family. With bright paints and a big smile, Emma carefully created a beautiful portrait that showed how much she loved her mom.

Meanwhile, Jacob, with the help of his dad, planned a surprise breakfast for Sarah. They woke up early and snuck into the kitchen. Together, they made pancakes, scrambled eggs, and a fresh pot of coffee. The delicious smells filled the house, making everyone's stomachs rumble with delight.

When Mother's Day arrived, Emma quietly placed her artwork on the kitchen table, right next to the delicious breakfast Jacob and his dad had prepared. They all gathered around, waiting for Sarah to wake up.

As the sun peeked through the curtains, Sarah slowly opened her eyes. She saw the colorful picture and the mouthwatering breakfast waiting for her. A big smile spread across her face. Sarah felt so loved and grateful for her thoughtful children and her loving husband.

They sat together at the table, enjoying the scrumptious breakfast and talking about their plans for the day. They decided to take a leisurely walk in the park, enjoying the blooming flowers and the fresh air. Sarah held her children's hands tightly, feeling the warmth of their love.

In the evening, Sarah's husband prepared a special dinner to complete the day. They sat down together, sharing stories and laughter, creating memories that would last a lifetime. Sarah felt a deep sense of happiness, knowing how lucky she was to have such a wonderful family.

As the day came to an end, Sarah hugged her children tightly, thanking them for their love and kindness. She realized that Mother's Day was a special time to show appreciation, but every day was an opportunity to celebrate the love they shared as a family.

In that cozy village, in the embrace of love, Sarah knew that a mother's love was precious and should be cherished every day. And so, they continued their journey together, treasuring the beautiful gift of a mother's love in their hearts, forever and always.

Step 2: 内容理解クイズに挑戦


  1. Who were the main characters in the story?
    a) Sarah and Emma
    b) Sarah and Jacob
    c) Sarah, Emma, and Jacob
    d) Sarah and her husband

  2. What did Emma create for her mom on Mother's Day?
    a) A colorful picture
    b) A delicious breakfast
    c) A bouquet of flowers
    d) A special dinner

  3. What did Jacob and his dad prepare for Sarah?
    a) A handmade card
    b) A colorful painting
    c) A surprise breakfast
    d) A spa day

  4. How did Sarah feel when she saw the surprise from her children?
    a) Angry
    b) Sad
    c) Loved and grateful
    d) Indifferent

  5. How did the family spend the rest of Mother's Day?
    a) They went to the beach.
    b) They had a picnic in the park.
    c) They stayed at home and watched movies.
    d) They went for a leisurely walk in the park and had a special dinner.

1. c) Sarah, Emma, and Jacob
2. a) A colorful picture
3. c) A surprise breakfast
4. c) Loved and grateful
5. d) They went for a leisurely walk in the park and had a special dinner.

Step 3: 要約する


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