10月に好きだったVtuber MV// Vtuber Music Video I Liked in October




I started this 'note' article because I wanted to convey my passion and interests in Vtuber music. I am currently writing monthly, noting down any MV that I really liked. The order of the MVs do not mean anything, as it may just be in chronological order. I am not musically trained, so I won't be doing any technical review. The only criteria is that I liked the MV.

I don't know who might read these articles, but if I was even able to get one person to discover a new song or singer, I'd say it's a great day.

Note that I am a foreigner, so the articles will be written in English. I'll be using AI to translate to Japanese. As a way for me to also practice my Japanese, I'll type out the translations manually, and make any edits for things like names and context. I apologize if there's any errors or wrong usage of words in the end.

Thank you for reading!

SURF / covered by それ故


Perfectly cute and chill. I love Soreyue's cover of the song. It captures her style perfectly by being playful, cute, chill, and beautiful all at the same time. The MV is super cute with a lot of images that represent her, which combined with her singing voice makes this song stand out to me. The way she sings the repetitions can easily gets stuck in my head.

宇宙遊泳 / 長瀬有花


Yuka Nagase's performance this song is forever ingrained in my head. I'll always cherish the moment of being able to see the performance at her release party. Yuka Nagase's singing style, lyrics, visualizer, are all representative of how unique and special she is.

Yellow / ツキノヒカリ


What a chill and cheerful song by Tsukino Hikari. I can't wait for the full album later in the month, be sure to check out her Booth page. The song is just so bright and cheerful like the color yellow. I love how the instrumentals stand out but doesn't overpower the vocals. It just makes me want to dance and relax to the song.

公然の秘密 / covered by 蜜乃木ジル


A super beautiful cover by the newcomer Jill. Her unique deep and raspy voice is able to give the song the mature style it deserves. I love how she is able to capture the feeling of the original song, while still being unique. It was a great debut song, and I'm looking forward to hearing more from Jill.

ミクロコスモ / 水魚みぃむ


A beautiful original song. I love the piano arrangement that is able to emphasize the emotional impact of Miim's voice. Her voice is so strong, yet it feels like it can break at any moment because of how emotional it feels. The drop in the middle of the song to show a contrast in rhythm is invigorating, creating a motivating feeling in the song.

アサガオの散る頃に / covered by 透夏


A very beautiful cover of a Tuyu song, which I always adore. Touka is able to capture the emotions of the song with her beautiful and clear vocal. Even though it's a summer song, it's still a fitting autumn cover with a bit of lingering heat that's briefly flying away.

トドメの一撃 / covered by CLOHAN


I always like Vaundy covers, but CLOHAN's version of it is extra special. The vocals of the two girls are distinct and beautiful, giving the song a completely new vibe. There is strength in their voice, as well softness when the song calls for it. I love how everything combined together.

Étoile / covered by 来音こくり


Memento Mori came out with a ton of great songs, so I'm very glad someone covered it. Kokuri has always had a beautiful and soft voice, which makes it perfect for a song like Etoile. There's a bit of ethereal feeling to the song, but the relaxed and and mysterious atmosphere perfectly complements Kokuri's singing.

I beg you (Piano arrange)/ covered by Lucia

今年のお気に入りのハロウィーンテーマの曲です。ピアノのアレンジの選んだことは天才的で、曲全体の雰囲気に一層の魅力を加えています。Luciaの声は本当に素晴らしく、私の背筋に寒気を走らせます (海外の慣用句)。MV全体が幽玄で美しいです。

My favorite Halloween themed cover of the year. The choice to go with a piano arrangement is genius, as it adds to the overall atmosphere of the song. Lucia's voice is so amazing it sends chills down my spine. The whole video is hauntingly beautiful.



Thank you for reading this month's writing again! I hope you enjoyed my impressions, and maybe even discovered some songs you didn't know about before. I hope everyone had a nice summer, let's see you again next month in fall.

