2024年6月に好きだったVtuber MV// Vtuber Music Video I Liked in June





Hello! Thank you for visiting my writing again this month if you're a repeat reader. If you're new, welcome. 

As a background, I started writing these 'note' articles because I wanted to convey my feelings for all the wonderful musician out there. It also served as a great way for me to practice my Japanese, as I write these in English and slowly translate them into Japanese. I apologize if there's any wrong usage of words and phrases, or if the writing is simple and repetitive.

The order of the MV does not have any meaning. I limit myself to just 10 songs so its easier to digest, but there are definitely more than 10 amazing MVs each month

I hope you enjoy the article and discover some new MVs you didn't see before.

1 救心(相対性理論) / covered by それ故


Soreyue's gift to us as part of June Bride is a beautiful MV filled with wonderful illustration, animation, and music. Soreyue did the mixing herself, and it sounds amazing. Her voice sounds so clear and sweet with this SOUTAISEIRIRON song. Knowing her love for the original, she makes a great job at singing the song using her unique whispery voice. It's definitely a cure for my broken heart, but at the same time it makes it beat so hard I might be in danger. The MV itself is godlike as well. It's filled with so many cute and beautiful elements, that you can cherish every single scene.

2 楽園航路 / 凪原涼菜


Suzuna's new original song is a beautiful ballad that highlights all her strengths. The softness of her voice just pierces right into my heart from the first note. It's a bit of a sad theme, but at the same time it fills the listener with motivation. The transparency in her voice is filled with so much emotion, it feels like I could break into tears at any moment listening to this. All my stress will just wash away, and everything will be fine as this song sends me off with a blessing.

3 あさひ (花譜×佐倉綾音) / covered by 堰代ミコ & 紫水キキ


Kiki's final cover on her channel before her graduation. It's such a fitting send off, as it's one of the most beautiful songs out there. The original duet is filled with emotions, and this cover does the same. Mico's got one of my favorite singing style in Nanashi, and combined with Kiki's unique voice this cover is beautiful. I'm so glad its a long cover at 7 minutes, just all the more I can cherish their beautiful voices. 

4 Obsessed (Ayumu Imazu) / covered by 理芽 / RIM

歌ってみたのタイトルの通り、私はこの曲に「Obsessed」(夢中)です。この曲は多分今月最もループされたの曲です。オリジナルもひじょうにキャッチャーですが、理芽さんの声を加えることで、とってはまったく高のレベルにひきあげれました。普通にはKAMITSUBAKI STUDIOのメンバーは投稿には含めませんが(全員が大好きだけど),この曲は非常に際立っていたので、書かざるを得ないと感じました。理芽さんの発音もとても自然でありながら、ユニークな理芽さんの特徴をまっているのは本当に特別です。

Like the title of this cover, I am 'obsessed' with this cover. It was probably my most replayed song this month because of how good it was. The original is super catchy, but having RIM's voice, it's taken to a whole other level for me. Since they're already so well known, I don't normally include Kamitsubaki talents in this list even though I love them all, but this song stood out so much that I felt like I had to write about it. The way her pronunciation sounds so natural while having a unique RIM characteristic to it is truly special.

5 STRAIGHT BET (MYTH & ROID) / covered by 司賀りこ

司賀りこさんは6月末にデビューし、私たちに2曲の美しい歌ってみたを提供しました。最初の「ハイタッチ☆メモリー」は、陽気で社交的なイメージに合った美しいアイドル風の曲でした。二曲目の「STRAIGHT BET」は、歌唱の幅がどれほど広いかを示す、非常にクールな歌ってみたでした。司賀りこさんはMVの編集も自分で行い、曲の瞬間に意味のある方法であわせたのがとてもクールです。司賀りこさんの声がとてもクリアで力強いので、将来どんな曲でも適しているように感じますし、これからも彼女の歌声をきくのを楽しみにしています。

Shiga Riko debuted in late June and gave us two beautiful cover songs. The first, Hightouch Memory, was a beautiful idol-like song that matched a cheerful and outgoing image. The second, Straight Bet, was a super cool cover that showed us how wide her range of singing is. She even did the MV edits herself, which is very cool as they matched the moments of the song in a meaningful way. I look forward to hearing her sing more in the future, since her voice is so clear and strong, it feels like it'll be suitable for any kind of song.

6 Beyond the way (Giga) / covered by 橙里セイ × 家入ポポ × 瑚白ユリ


It's been a long time since we had a cover from Sei, and this time we're joined by the whole PoSeRi. The song choice was slightly unexpected, as it was a very cool image for three beautiful girls. However once they get to singing, it feels so fitting as they were great with their expressions. The visuals of the MV, from the illustration to the edits, were all very cool and added to the atmosphere. Sei Touri's deeper voice rap was extra cool and contrasted Popo and Yuri with a higher pitch and clear singing style. However, they all stood out in their own ways as they all have such amazing and unique singing voices. A true highlight was when Sei went for the higher pitch around the 1:20 mark.

7 MORE and MORE / ルンルン


Lunlun had a stellar debut the past week, getting a lot of attention as a cute mascot. However, what really stood out to me was how great its singing is. The cover song they released at debut, Starlight by amazarashi, gave a completely new feeling to the song that can only be done with Lunlun's cute voice. Even more amazing for me, was the original rap it used for the ending of the debut stream. With the song and lyrics written by Lunlun, it's filled with a warm and fuzzy emotion. It really shows off the impressive artistic talent of this small being, and motivates me to take another step. 

8  解決ミステリー (和泉一織・七瀬陸) / covered by Chérie.


I always love Cherie's duet singing, as the two's voice as so beautiful together. This cover was a very sweet and beautiful surprise. The song is very cute, and fits the image of the two very well together. The upbeat playfulness is definitely a charm point of Cherie, as they have a fun and upbeat personality as well. The MV illustration is beautiful as well, and complements the cover perfectly. 

9 勘ぐれい (ずっと真夜中でいいのに。) / covered by 音御光歌


Otoo's version of the ZutoMayo song is so amazing because it sounds so unique to him. The male vocal, from the first note, really stands out as a cover of a great song. The whispery intro like in the original brings peace and calmness to the listener. As the instrumentals come in, the mellow but yet upbeat singing suits Otoo's calm singing voice very well. There's strength in the singing, but at the same time there's comfort. The high and low notes all work together wonderfully.

10 Shine on you Shine on me / リアリラ


Riarira's new original song is a treat to listen to. It's face paced, full of energy, and really brightens up your day. The lyrics are very inspirational, as it's about shining in the darkness. It fights back loneliness, and gives us embrace, and overall just really motivates the listener. The song is made by a wonderful group of people, with Riarira's wonderful voice to really bring it all together.




Thank you for reading again this month! June was a very fun and exciting month. It's really amazing how half the year went by so quickly. We'll be moving onto Summer themed songs soon. However, before that, we'll be having VocaDuo, which is one of my favorite events of the year. I'll definitely write my impressions in detail this year for songs I find in that event.

See you all next time!

