
I arrived in Hiroshima!!

Hi there, its Liam, an Australian whos recently arrived in Japan a month ago after self studying Japanese for a few years. posts are about my experiences & travel stories both in English & Japanese.
With that said, here we go!

My partner and I arrived from Iwakuni where we bicycled to the Kintaikyo Bridge, collected a few stamps for our collection which was inspired by a Canadian couple in Beppu, Oita.

The Kintaikyou Bridge (錦帯橋)
View of Iwakuni from its castle on the mountain (岩国城)

We also took the ropeway up to Iwakuni Castle, learnt about the feuds and interesting history & viewed the impressive collection of Katanas & other weapons. The Castle top floors had a room depicting other Castles around Japan & had a scenic viewing spot at the top floor.

Anyway.. Hiroshima has been interesting, upon coming into the cbd by tram, I got hit with nostalgia of Melbourne, the place back in Australia where we had lived for the past year/s.

Expansive Buddhist Temple in Miyajima
Views from Miyajima
A friendly deer at Miyajima 

Our first location was Miyajima, the divine island known to be inhabited by gods. And I must say, lots of deers! they certainly were friendly and photogenic, posing for the camera with the iconic floating torii gate on the water.

We got icecream & hiked up to Daishoin, a buddhist temple. Being my first time I was struck back by the scale of it, I highly recommend seeing it all for yourself if you're ever in the area. Finishing up by having grilled oysters, oyster udon & Lemon sours, we said goodbye to the deer & Miyajima.

The next day we had went to the Hiroshima Peace memorial and the Atomic Bomb Dome, while already having an interest in that part of history, watching documents & movies, hearing the stories & seeing the effects made me feel heavy with sadness and second hand guilt. I felt sorry for the past present & future people of Hiroshima & Nagasaki to be the victims to ultimately a show of force by USA on the world stage.

A peaceful pidgeon with the backdrop of the Atomic Bomb Dome & Modern skyrise.
Kabuki Theatre in Hiroshima (Highly Recommend)

That wraps up what I wanted to talk about today. I suppose I'll leave the  here, I appreciate those who stuck through the end. I've got a few more episodes lined up that I want to release in the coming week/s.

Thanks & take care, Liam
