
【養子:選ばれし子】(Adopted: The Chosen Child)

Has anyone ever teased their younger siblings about being adopted? Or has anyone ever thought they were adopted because they feel they receive less love and attention from their family? These two situations make us cry and feel sad and alone.

I saw a video once about parents advocating for child adoption. They were asked by a passerby, "Did you adopt a child? How many kids do you have?" Despite their advocacy, none of them has adopted a child.

Most of their answers were, "None. I have two of my own," "I have one of my own," and other quantifications plus the phrase "of my own."

This has hurt the feelings of a lot of adopted children who have seen the video. It clearly indicates that there are people who do not think adopted children are "their own."

When people think about their future, they plan their wedding day, where they want to live, and how many babies they want to have. You won't usually hear couples planning how many babies to adopt when they get married.

Even the women who are having a hard time conceiving would rather go to the doctors and spend a lot of money than adopt a child.

I understand that it is a very beautiful experience, and I would love to have one too, if God will bless me.

Unfortunately, this is also why talking about adoption has been taboo on many occasions. We associate being adopted with feeling unloved in the family. We see it as a weakness.

When someone tells us they are adopted, we feel pity for them rather than happiness. This is also why parents of adopted children find it hard to tell their kids the truth.

But I heard a beautiful story about a parent who adopted a child.

There was once a woman who often visited an orphanage. One day, she met a baby who had just been given up for adoption. When she saw the child, she said to the nun,

"This child is mine." I will bring her home."

But unfortunately, another couple had already chosen the baby. The woman was really eager to have the baby, so she begged the nuns to help her have it. It was quite a process, but the other parents agreed to give her the baby. And she was really happy.

As the baby grew, she started to notice her different facial features and physical traits. She was asking a lot. And then it came to the time when the mother had to explain to her daughter about the adoption.

She told her daughter,

"When you were a baby, you did not come from my tummy. But you came from my heart. When I saw you, I knew right away that I wanted you. I decided that you would be my child,

"I did not conceive you. You did not come from my body. But I had my choice, and I chose you. That's why I love you more than anything. Not because I have to, but because I saw you, I fell in love with you, and I chose to be your mother."

養子はかわいそうな存在ではない。愛されていないわけでも 評価されていないわけでもない。彼らは選ばれた子供たちなのだ。私たちにもし選ぶ力が与えられたなら、最も愛する人を選ぶのではないだろうか?
Adopted children are not pitiful, you see. They are not less loved or appreciated. They were chosen children. And when we have a choice, we choose the one we love the most, don't we?
