
新しい仲間レオンと春ビール! 伝説の定番、そして濃いも淡いも。タップ増設でますます春を楽しもう!


KBLがオープンした頃の2018年3月に、お客さんとして一度飲みに来て「いい店だなー」と気に入りましたが、その時は京都にまた来ることはないだろうと思っていました。ましてや京都に住み、KBLで働くなんて。人生は驚きの連続です! 僕らスタッフも、大好きなお客さんたちも、ビールで良い人生が続いていくように、これからもKBLで頑張ります!


新しくできたホップ ルミノーサも届くから、それで何をつくろうかな? 冬はアルコール度数高めで疲れたので、フルーツ入りの飲みやすいのもつくるつもりです(詳細は秘密)。





Hello new face! 
Hello spring beer!
We've already started brewing for cherry blossom season.

Hello, my name is Leon and one day you might work at Kyoto Beer Lab too. Sound crazy? Let me tell you how it could happen.Back in March 2018, just after KBL opened I visited as a customer, but knowing how “way leads on to way” I did doubt Iʼd ever return to Kyoto, much less one day live here and be working at Beer Lab! But as is it can be in brewing, and life, the unexpected is what often yields the greatest outcome.

Iʼm starting to believe that you really cannot know whatʼs next around the corner in life. In just the same unpredictable way creativity born from curiosity, and fuelled by wonder, canʼt be foretold, what beer is next on tap is similarly mysterious. We are making some plans but even so, we could be surprised! However you view beer as a cornerstone of life or a simple pleasure to punctuate it, I hope you can join us in Spring for some amazing beers from Kyoto Beer Lab. Perhaps even we donʼt know what theyʼll be.But what we know for sure is they will be crafted with the finest ingredients and fuelled by imaginations that cannot stop thinking up new beer ideas.

Nevertheless, it's been a warm winter this year! We're brewing beers for the spring season ahead. We're gearing up for spring with KBL's flagship 'Tea Beer' series, and we're also planning to brew ‘Hop Damn’ and ‘KBL Pale Ale’. With the arrival of the new Luminosa®︎ hops, what should we make with them? Since the winter has left us feeling tired with high alcohol content beers, we intend to create some easy-drinking fruity ones too (details are a secret). We've been making a lot more lager beers since last year, and we've already started brewing to make sure they're ready for cherry blossom season. Lager beers become more appealing as it gets warmer, don't they?

Of course, we'll also offer some darker ones. We'll have beers like the popular 'Sunglasses at Night,' where you can enjoy the rich malt flavors. We're thinking of purchasing a hand pump and adding another tap. Serving beer with a hand pump gives it a smoothness akin to nitrogen-infused beers, with a warmer and less carbonated feel, just like British ales. Even with lower alcohol content, you get a full-bodied experience, enjoying a rich and smooth beer. It's like being in a pub in Britain. Winter will soon be over, so everyone, let's toast to spring at KBL!

Text / LEON
