
コ ロンブス前に遡るペルーの国民食「セビーチェ」 を尾赤鯵で“Red tail mackerel scad Ceviche”, Peru's national dish ceviche dates back to pre-Columbus times

Making and tracing the history of food culture

Recipe trivia


One of my favorite raw fish dishes. Being Japanese, I love sashimi, of course, but this is also hard to choose. It's delicious in a different way than sashimi. I've hardly ever eaten a decent ceviche (also spelled ceviche/cebiche/seviche/sebiche) in Japan. Perhaps because the culture of sashimi already exists and many people believe that sashimi is the best, as far as I can remember, there are no restaurants in Japan that specialize in delicious ceviche at reasonable prices, except for ultra-high-end restaurants (it may just be that I don't know about them. If you know of any great restaurants, please let me know). Some South American restaurants in Japan have ceviche on their menus, but it's often different from the real thing. That's why I'll never forget the shock I felt when I first tried ceviche in Peru.
Until then, I also thought that sashimi was the most delicious way to eat raw fish. Later, after Peruvian cuisine started to gain worldwide acclaim, I went to ceviche specialty shops, "cevicherias," that opened in Mexico, the United States, and Spain, and they were all delicious. I have yet to find a comparable shop in Japan. A cevicheria is like a Japanese sushi restaurant, with fish lined up in a display case, and the shop will make seasonal ceviche on the spot with your choice of fish. They use a wide variety of fish, not just fish, but shrimp, squid, octopus, shellfish, and more. In the Amazon basin, they also serve river fish.
This type of dish can be found not only in Peru, but all over South America, including remote islands. There are ceviches that use meat and ones that are only made of vegetables. Like sashimi, ceviche also refers to a style of eating that makes the most of the ingredients. It is also registered as an intangible World Cultural Heritage of Peru.
You can read more about the rich food culture of South America in our previous article, so please feel free to refer to it.

ペルーは海岸地帯から山岳地帯まで生物多様性に富み、その豊富な食材とインカ帝国以来の食文化に旧大陸から持ち込まれた食文化が融合し、先鋭的な食文化を発信し続けている。Gastón AcurioやVirgilio Martínez Vélizらのシェフが伝統料理を海外の最先端の技術を取り込んで再構築することに成功し、世界的にももっとも影響力のある料理文化の一つとして評価されている。

Ceviche has ancient origins, dating back to before Columbus arrived in America (archaeological surveys suggest it may date back to 3000 BC, and some scholars point out its connection to Polynesian culture. Some Spanish scholars say it originated from escabeche or Arab cuisine). It was a dish that existed long before Japanese immigrants arrived in South America, and long before sushi and sashimi were introduced overseas. The basic dish was raw fish fillets seasoned with local citrus fruits and sea salt. In some regions, there were variations that used chili peppers, avocados, tomato, local spices, and alcoholic beverages.
This is just my speculation, but the habit of eating raw ingredients, which was shared by a group of Mongoloids who arrived in the Americas from the Old World via Siberia and Alaska (patrilineal gene tracing suggests that they branched off from the Mongoloids of the Old World 25,000 to 29,000 years ago), may have taken root in South America. In Japan, sashimi (raw fish), which was originally eaten with salt, began to be dipped in seasonings (irizake) made from pickled plums brought from China, and soy sauce became popular at the end of the Edo period, leading to the development of modern-day sashimi. In South America, the prototype of ceviche has been mixed with ingredients and food culture brought by the conquerors, leading to the current ceviche culture.
Today's ceviche is basically made with salt and chili peppers, as well as lemon and onion brought from the Old World, and there are many variations using coriander, garlic, cumin, etc. Also, garnishes traditionally include sweet potatoes, cassava, corn, and green beans, all of which are native to South America. The fish is basically cut into squares, but there are also versions cut into sashimi shapes influenced by Japanese immigrants. Furthermore, top chefs around the world have been inspired by ceviche to create cutting-edge dishes.
Peru is rich in biodiversity from the coast to the mountains, and the country continues to produce cutting-edge food culture by fusing its abundant ingredients with the food culture that has existed since the Inca Empire and the food culture brought from the Old World. Chefs such as Gastón Acurio and Virgilio Martínez Véliz have successfully reconstructed traditional cuisine by incorporating cutting-edge overseas techniques, and the country is recognized as one of the most influential culinary cultures in the world.
Some people say that "ceviche is just a spicy marinade," but that misses the point of this dish. It should be recognized as a completely different dish from so-called marinades. Many people, including professional chefs, make ceviche in the same way as a simple marinade, but that doesn't make it ceviche. Just like sashimi, it is simple, yet has more depth.


"Oaka(red tail mackerel scad)" is a member of the group of mackerel scad, whose standard Japanese name is "Oakamuro". Like horse mackerel, it migrates around the Izu coast and the Izu Islands in the Kanto region, but it is not caught as often as horse mackerel, so it is not widely available. Some people say that mackerel scad species are not as tasty as horse mackerel, but that is not true. Compared to the loose and watery horse mackerel that is widely available, it is light, but its taste is much better. Since the amount of horse mackerel available is not stable, it is sold at a lower price than its taste, making it an attractive fish. It is usually dried, but from September to December, the red tail in particular becomes very fatty, making it the best raw material for sashimi. It is also much larger than horse mackerel, so it is very satisfying to eat for the price. It is rarely available, but if I find it at this time of year, I make it the first to buy it. It is enjoyable as sashimi, but it is also satisfying to eat and is an excellent ingredient for ceviche. The one I got this time was about 30 centimeters long and had a retail price of just under 300 yen.



Red tail mackerel scad (occasionally available in markets south of Chiba)
Lime (lemon is fine)
Fresh green chili pepper (can be substituted with yuzu kosho)
Sweet chili pepper (bell pepper is fine)
Red onion (regular onion is fine)
Green beans
Sweet potato
Basil (parsley, coriander, dill, fennel, etc. are also fine)
Natural salt



Remove the head and innards from the redtail fish, fillet it into three pieces, remove the side bones, remove the small bones, and peel the fish.
Finely chop the green chili pepper.
Finely chop the onion.
Remove the stems from the sweet chili peppers and cut them into small pieces.
Peel about half of the cucumber and cut it into small pieces.
Boil the green beans and sweet potatoes until soft, then cut them into small pieces.
Make the marinade by putting the lemon juice, chopped green chili pepper, and salt in a bowl.
Dice the redtail fish fillet and toss well with the other vegetables in the marinade.
Serve topped with chopped basil.
Don't leave it for too long. Just like sashimi, prepare and serve just before eating.

Tips  and tricks:    


The main ingredient is the fillet of red tail fish, so cut it into large cubes to enjoy the texture.
Cut the accompanying vegetables into smaller pieces.
Onions, green chili peppers, and citrus juice are essential because they are the characteristics of this dish. If it is out of season and you cannot get fresh green chili peppers, use frozen ones or substitute with yuzu kosho. If you use pre-made sauces such as powder or Tabasco, the seasoning will be too strong and the goodness of the ingredients will not be brought out, and it will not be delicious. It is like eating delicate white fish with a lot of dark soy sauce.
The "lemon" in the South American recipe is actually a type of "lime," so you can use lemon, but lime will give it a more authentic taste.
Since local citrus fruits were originally used, if you are making it in Japan, I think it would be good to use sudachi, yuzu, kabosu, etc. to create a good balance.
Salt is important, and natural salt is definitely more delicious.
You can add tomatoes, avocado, garlic, etc., but depending on the type of fish, the flavor may be destroyed, so it may be better not to add them depending on the ingredients. The flavor of horse mackerel is more delicate than red fish such as tuna and bonito, so I have chosen not to use avocado, tomato, or garlic here. Seasonings vary considerably depending on the country and chef, even in South America. Just like sashimi, the garnish and seasoning (for example, sashimi seasonings such as wasabi, mustard, salt, or tamari soy sauce, and the chef's sense is tested because it is a simple dish) determines the outcome.
As for the side dishes, you can choose whatever vegetables you like depending on the season, as long as they complement the main fish. Using ingredients from South America makes it look more authentic, but here we don't use vegetables that are cheap and unavailable in season. In South America, sweet potatoes, cassava, large kidney beans, and large kernels of corn are often used.
The side dishes for the vegetables happen to be marinated together with the fish here, but they can also be cut into large pieces and served on the side. Sometimes boiled kernels of corn or sliced ​​sweet potatoes are added.
For the topping, I used basil, which I happened to have in a planter, but in the same way as garnishes for sashimi, you can use your favorite herbs to match the fish you're using.
To make delicious ceviche, it's good to consider how to bring out the flavor of the ingredients.
You can use any type of seafood for ceviche. You can use red fish like tuna or bonito, white fish, squid, octopus, shellfish, raw oysters, etc. As with sashimi, some ingredients, such as octopus, may be prepared in advance by boiling or grilling as necessary. You can use one type of fish on its own or combine several types of fish.

Guide to where to get ingredients and equipment


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