
About this notebook このノートについて


In this notebook, I will introduce the sources of ingredients and recipes for food projects, restaurants, bars, research groups, and food topics that I have advised on, as well as in research groups and prototype experiments.


I think there are three types of people involved in cooking.
The first type is "craftsmen". They are the type who improve the precision of traditional cooking and recipes inherited from their masters, or recipes that they have perfected at some point, and improve their skills so that they can be passed down to future generations.
The second type is "creators". They use seasonal ingredients that are constantly changing, incorporate newly invented techniques, and use all their imagination to focus on elevating cooking to a work of art. In other words, they are culinary artists.
The third group is "engineers". Rather than pursuing the precision, perfection, and artistic level of the cooking itself, they are most interested in inventing techniques for cooking, manualizing techniques, and creating an environment for automation and mass production.
Of course, there are also people who are hybrids of these types.
I tend to belong to the last group. That's why I'm interested in how others can reproduce the same recipes with a reasonable degree of precision. That's why I think my explanations of cooking seem quite theoretical. However, I think there are people in the world who want cooking explanations from that perspective. I hope to be able to provide information that reaches the hearts of those types of readers.

