
New years resolution

Ok, I am back on here. I could survive the year of pandemic and starting this novice writing again, it means that I have some extra time to think the contents and to write down these around this season. Simply, it is a good thing.

Review - Resolution of 2020

My resolutions were:
1- Read 50 books in Japanese → Failed (50 books ugh... impossible)
2- Read 1 book in English with perfect understanding → Succeeded 

1-, Although, I read some:

Just 5 books.. I knew that my reading speed is too slow to achieve it.

2- I read "Harry Potter and Philosopher's Stone"


Underlined expressions which I won't quickly think up in daily life, checked unknown words, searched the meaning of these and wrote down synonyms.

I achieved 1 out of 2 resolutions. I will just give ok grade to myself, just an ordinary guy. So, new year?

New years resolution of 2021

1- Cambly 3 times in a week for 15 mins
2- Have a perfect remembrance of the vocabulary shown in 実践IELTS英単語 3500

I never set some infeasible (for me) goals like last year.
For work and make my life richer, I thought I should have vocabularies. To measure how much/many word I remember, I use the book.
Regarding Cambly, I feel unconfident when I meet/speak with a native English speaker. I need more and more training to speak/communicate with them so I have started it.


Theme of my resolution. Not intermittent, not sometimes, but everyday study will make me nicer. Keep up myself!!

Thank you for reading my first and could be last note in 2021.
Please leave your comment if you have something to mention on this note and click "like (is it like button??)" button if you find its good!

Thank you, and Happy new year!



