
Koneido Journal

This magazine is compilation of classic Chinese poetry by Koneido. 这是"康寧堂"文集. 漢詩の英訳・中文訳の…



大家好!我是康宁堂。我是日本人的中国古诗诗人。我最近作古诗五首。最初一首、我作过于走行街路时候。那天很暑。次的一首、我作过于药房的等待时间。第三首是作过心情愁郁的时候。那次诗是我作过为描画莲花去近邻莲塘的时候。最后的诗是过闲居时候。我是日本人、我希望东亚地域的和平。汉字是东亚地域的共同语言。我想作各国民间联结通过汉字文化。你阅读我的诗、如果知道爱好中国文化的日本人存在、我很快乐! 西风吹隘路 炎暑一时休 秃笔吾人事 过刚非莫忧 (西风吹了隘路上、炎暑一时休止了。 我的人生

Three of spring poetry-Classic Chinese Poetry by Japanese

Hello! everyone, I'm Koneido. I'm Japanese poet who compose classic Chinese poetry.Before day,I joined art exhibition. In the exhibition I communicate by writing with Chinese female. I feel kanji is common language of north east Asia again

初春的诗 - 日本人的中国古诗

大家好!我是康宁堂。我是中国古诗的日本人诗人。今天我想发表初春的二首诗。最初的诗是吟咏于散步时候。我恐怖自己存在。这诗表现内心的葛藤。次的诗表现就自己的事业。我一年半以来努力电子商务、但是完全不卖了。我引退这事业。这诗表现我的决断。诗的形式是古代、但是我使用古代形式而吟咏日常生活的新事情。如果我依然吟咏古代风物、古诗的精神将死灭。我想根据日常生活实感而吟咏古诗。 青昊一看思旧辰 弦轮二昃是初春 苍天无有云霞片 衷款未无三五呻 (我见青苍的天空、回忆旧时代、半月二次

Early spring poetry - classic Chinese poetry by Japanese

Hello! everyone, I'm Koneido. I'm Japanese poet of classic Chinese poetry. Today, I release two poetry that composed on early spring. The first poetry was compose When walking . I afraid to existence myself. It expressed mental conflict. N

冬期的绝句三首 日本人的中国古诗

大家好!我是康宁堂。我是日本人的中国古诗诗人。今天我发表三首冬的古诗。 我作诗词于日本关东地方。我表现了日本太平洋地域的冬期气候。 次的二首是北海道地方的诗词。我表现了凶暴且壮大的北海道自然。 如果你阅读我的古诗感受日本的气候差异、我很快乐!    冬行吟  山岳禀冬气 青苍新壮姿 止吟纵辔勒 眼里数梅枝 (山岳禀受冬期的"气"、苍苍的山岳刷新雄大容姿。 我停止作词听任自行车、我见一些的梅树枝。)  雪中行 其一  雪原连万里 挟路地皑皑 目断青山霭 列树厚坤回 (雪

绝句四首 日本人的中国古诗

大家好!我是康宁堂. 我是日本人的中国古诗诗人.中国和日本共有汉字文化. 我们古来继续交流.我中学生自来喜欢唐诗和汉文. 在日本自从小学生高级年次逐渐学习文言文. 我中学生时点最初学习李白杜甫的诗词.我不可能忘记那个事情, 因此制作古诗.今天两国所有复杂课题. 但是我不所有敌对情绪. 中国内也有所有愛好日本的人人, 日本人不报答,这很遗憾.  你阅读我诗文你知道爱好汉字文化的日本人的存在,我很快乐! 百里连楼市 金风乃度来 低头遁乐事 误上望夫台 (店铺链接的城市,秋

poetry of paulownia leaves

Hello ,everyone! I'm Koneido. I'm Japanese poet who compose to classic Chinese poetry. I heard, in ancient China poetry is political tool. There's ideal that found on people song and knowing people life. 白楽天Bei Le tian of Tang dynasty valu

絶句三首「秋思」「憂思」「邪思」 Three of "zekku"style poetry

Hello! I'm koneido. I'm Japanese poet of classic chinese poetry.I want to reach my poet for people that favor to Japan or China culture.And, through east Asian culture, I want to know each other.In fact old Japanese scholar compose classic

Classic Chinese poetry "Envy for half moon" 「羨弦月」

Hello I'm koneido. I'm Japanese poet of classic Chinese poetry. long time ago, Japanese scholars and artist compose classic Chinese poetry themselves. They have culture of Chinese studies. It telling Chinese studies of Japan begin from one

Epic of 1,Sept 「九月朔日即事」

I'm Japanese poet of classic Chinese poetry. In Japan scholars has composed the poetry old time ago.I have liked classic Chinese poetry since boyhood. It started from lesson of Japanese language, In fact, Japanese student learning classic C

Moon Night

Hello I'm Koneido. I'm Japanese poet of classic Chinese poetry. In east Asia , 30. Sept. 2023 was ”十五夜zyugoya”, it is fall event that familiar by east Asian people. "Augusta 15" in lunar calendar, people seem moon is best beautiful. In that

「資本行」 "Song of Capitalism"

I poet of classic Chinese poetry. I'm Japanese, but interest for classic Chinese culture. in fact, old Japanese scholar be familiarclassic Chinese study, and compose it they-self. When US president inauguration 2021, president invitation po

Classic Chinese poetry 「自箴」"Lesson My Self"

I'm Japanese artist. I compose classic Chinese poetry , painting east Asian picture and Chinese(Japanese) calligraphy.I composed new poetry in classic Chinese . It poetry titled" Lesson My Self".I can have lived to now-time by many people s

一詩一拙句 Chinese poetry and "Haiku"poetry

こんにちは、康寧堂です。昨日仕入れに出かけ折に、 思いついた漢詩と俳句(駄句)を一首ずつのご紹介。 Hello! I'm koneido, I upload Chinese poetry and "Haiku"poetry(one of Japanese poetry style). If foreign people read my poetry and know to east Asian culture, I'm grad! I heard to there's p