

神よ あなたはいつくしみをもって




Wednesday, March 29, 2023

「Your congregation dwelt in it;
You, O God, provided from Your goodness for the poor.」 

【Psa 68:10】

Kiyoshi Miki, in his "Notes on the Theory of Life," says, " Everything in life is habit. The habit of getting up in the morning, reading the Bible, praying, and starting the day is valuable. Habit builds a person's character. God nourishes such a person. On days of joy, God gives us enough joy to jump up and on days of sorrow, God gives us enough comfort to stand up.

May we experience His word that there is provision on His mountain today.

配信初日:2020.3.31 (バーチャル時代の初配信:1999.10.12)
配信号数:No.874 (バーチャル時代からの通算号数:No.4910)

First date of delivery: March 31, 2020 (First delivery in the virtual era: October 12, 1999)
Number of issues distributed: No. 874 (Total number of issues since the virtual era: No. 4910)
