



『【主】よ あなたの御名はとこしえに
 【主】よ あなたの呼び名は代々に至ります。』

【詩篇 135:13】



「Your name, O Lord, endures forever,
 Your fame, O Lord, throughout all generations.」

【Psalms 135:13】

The God who created the heavens and the earth is the God who rules over the past, the present, and the future. He is also the one who has worked out the plan for the salvation of humankind and is in control of the coming Second Coming of Jesus, the Millennial Kingdom, and the New Heaven and the New Earth. God's name and greatness are eternal. God chose me, saved me, and gave me eternal life. I have nothing but gratitude.

 May we give thanks to the Lord for His redemption today. 


配信初日:2020.3.31 (バーチャル時代の初配信:1999.10.12)
配信号数:No.1046 (バーチャル時代からの通算号数:No.5082)

First day of delivery: March 31, 2020 (First delivery in the virtual era: October 12, 1999)
No. of issues distributed: No. 1046 (Total number of issues since the virtual era: No. 5082)
