





Thursday, September 15, 2022

You, who have shown me great and severe troubles, Shall revive me again, And bring me up again from the depths of the earth.

【Psa 71:20/NKJV】

In our lives, there are many hardships and deeds. However, the more and deeper they are, the more and deeper the grace is. Jesus did not end with His death on the cross, but His resurrection, which is the hope, awaits us beyond that. Our physical bodies will eventually decay, but beyond that awaits the promise that we will be transformed into glorified bodies and will be allowed to dwell in the pure place of heaven.

May we spend today looking up to God our Father in heaven.

配信初日:2020.3.31 (バーチャル時代の初配信:1999.10.12)

First delivery: March 31,2020 (First delivery at our virtual church: Oct. 12,1999)
Number of deliveries is 723(The total number of deliveries from the first at our virtual church is 4759)
