

『私は苦しむ者 貧しい者です。
 あなたは私の助け 私を救い出す方。
 わが神よ 遅れないでください。』




Friday, February 24, 2023

「But I am poor and needy;
 Yet the Lord thinks upon me.
 You are my help and my deliverer;
 Do not delay, O my God.」

【Psa 40:17】

Once you are stuck in a bottomless swamp, it is hard to get out. You can't get out by yourself, no one can get to you, and the more you struggle, the deeper you sink. There is no way out but to be rescued from the heavens. Moreover, it is an earnest prayer that we will be saved quickly and in time before we sink. In a crisis situation, we may involuntarily cry out, "God! but even those who do not believe may believe deep down in their hearts.

May we ask the Lord for help today as well.  

配信初日:2020.3.31 (バーチャル時代の初配信:1999.10.12)
配信号数:No.846 (バーチャル時代からの通算号数:No.4882)

Date of first delivery: March 31, 2020 (First delivery in the virtual era: October 12, 1999)
Number of issues distributed: No. 846 (Total number of issues since the virtual era: No. 4882)
