
裏千家15代家元・鵬雲斎(ほううんさい)千玄室(1923-)は、令和5年4月19日で満百歳になられました。Sengenshitsu Hounsai (1923-), 15th Iemoto of the Urasenke School, would have been 100 years old on 19 April 2023.


In 2019 I happened to meet houunsai-soushou (鵬雲斎宗匠). He was in good health and remembered an episode with me in 2000 that we talked about.

Kita Juzaemon❣, the 12th generation of the family, turned powdered matcha into matcha paste to make it easier for everyone to enjoy the wonderful Japanese culture of matcha. The company's motto is "Drink matcha, the 'secret medicine' that has been called the 'elixir' of immortality since ancient times, every day and take a leap forward to the age of 100! With the slogan "Take a leap to age 100" we want to spread Matcha all over the world.


裏千家十五代鵬雲斎百寿記念特別展 鵬雲斎の百年
裏千家15代家元・鵬雲斎(ほううんさい)千玄室(せん げんしつ)(1923-)は、本年4月19日で満百歳を迎えます。本展は鵬雲斎の百寿を記念して開催するもので、大正・昭和・平成・令和にわたる百年の歩みを振り返ります。
鵬雲斎の大きな事績としては「一盌からピースフルネスを」の理念を提唱して世界中をめぐり、茶道の国際化と世界平和の実現に向けて尽力したことが挙げられるでしょう。本展では鵬雲斎筆の書画や手造りの作品、好みの茶道具をはじめ、関連資料等を紹介することでその軌跡をご覧いただきます。One of Houunsai's most significant achievements was his advocacy of the principle of 'Peacefulness from a single bowl of tea' and his efforts to internationalise the tea ceremony and realise world peace by travelling around the world. This exhibition introduces calligraphy and handmade works by Pengunsai, his favourite tea utensils and other related materials to showcase his achievements.

