
どうも、Kish(キッシュ)です。 '98生まれ。散歩とプレミアリーグが好き…


どうも、Kish(キッシュ)です。 '98生まれ。散歩とプレミアリーグが好きです🚶⚽️ 2024年4月〜 永住目指してYMSで渡英🇬🇧 英語での日記を投稿していきます📖  ~For the UK settlement~


  • -For the UK Settlement-


日本帰国の妥当性 -YMSでの現状とキャリア-

英国の好きな要素はたくさんあるんだけど、就きたい仕事に就けないのがネック Hospitality系の仕事でGBP稼ぐことはできるだろうけど、それだと個人的に思い描いてたYMSではなくワーホリなんだよな〜 僕のキャリアの方向性とは違う気がするからほんまに帰国考えてます この1週間、1ヶ月が勝負だな 日本での典型的ないわゆる社会人を新卒入社の1社で丸2年経験させてもらったけど、 そこが合わなかっただけで日本での社会人がイヤってのは今冷静に振り返って安直すぎた 転職だけでも

    • The beginning of the end ~For the UK settlement #60~

      Day 60 It’s been 2 months since I came here and 1 month since I started posting dairies on my Instagram. Time flies. Looking back on what I’ve done, I feel like I did well because I never missed posting with a certain amount of texts. Let

      • Signs ~For the UK settlement #59~

        Day 59 It’s been quite warm and seems like summer is coming. 😎 Under such a comfortable weather, on my way back home from the gym (I think I write this every day), I found new white lines and signs painted on the road and realised that ever

        • Decision making ~For the UK settlement #58~

          Day 58 I went to the gym as usual today but I forgot bringing my shorts when I just arrived. I tried to find cheap ones but they were too big for me, so I just went back home. Instead of being persistent about working out in the gym, I ma

        日本帰国の妥当性 -YMSでの現状とキャリア-


        • -For the UK Settlement-


          Vintage ~For the UK settlement #57~

          Day 57 Last night when I was taking a shower, I really felt like sweating. It was as if my skin wanted to because I haven’t been sweaty for a long time. Though I’ve walked to the gym and worked out every single day, my sessions have mostly

          Vintage ~For the UK settlement #57~

          Procrastination ~For the UK settlement #56~

          Day 56 I was supposed to start working from today, but it was put off until Wednesday due to an inevitable reason. In fact, I was doubting that because I hadn’t received any updates since one email without any details last week. But let’s

          Procrastination ~For the UK settlement #56~

          Health ~For the UK settlement #55~

          Day 55 I hung out with my friend and he paid for my coffee. I enjoyed learning Spanish and chatting with him. But unfortunately, I suddenly started feeling itchy and he let me go home. I really appreciate his gentle behaviour. Now that I f

          Health ~For the UK settlement #55~

          Socialising ~For the UK settlement #54~

          Day 54 I took part in another meetup “Meet New People” and got a free beer. I was shy about diving into groups where people settled in, but I managed to spend good time talking with people in the similar situations ;) Looking back at this

          Socialising ~For the UK settlement #54~

          Picking up ~For the UK settlement #53~

          Day 53 When the sun comes out, it suddenly turns slightly hot though it is still cold without the sun. I usually pick up thick clothes in the morning, which results in feeling like a mischoice. The style in a shortsleeved T-shirt and a slee

          Picking up ~For the UK settlement #53~

          Rain ~For the UK settlement #52~

          Day 52 It is true that it stops raining when I’m inside and the opposite happens when outside. 🤷‍♂️ I can be called “rainy man” (or “rainy person” considering the current world’s trend). It’s considered to be bad, in the opposite point o

          Rain ~For the UK settlement #52~

          Realisation ~For the UK settlement #51~

          Day 51 The gym is closed today because of some maintenance, so I went to the second nearest gym, though it took almost an hour to walk.🚶 It was a good time because I realised that I had unconsciously been creating another comfort zone. Thi

          Realisation ~For the UK settlement #51~

          Numbers ~For the UK settlement #50~

          Day 50 My left elbow hurts a bit when bent probably because of yesterday’s workout. But I was able to complete my back workout today. During my seated row, a muscular guy next to the machine told me how to do effectively, and then asked me

          Numbers ~For the UK settlement #50~

          Sneeze ~For the UK settlement #49~

          Day 49 Starting with cold morning, it allows us to feel almost all the weather; cloudy, rainy, windy, and sunny with warmth. Due to its classic climate, I can’t stop sneezing 🤧 5 years ago when I was in this country, I learned that I tel

          Sneeze ~For the UK settlement #49~

          New career ~For the UK settlement #48~

          Day 48 I confirmed that I got a position as a sales in digital fields✌️ I’m going to work from home and the training is starting from next week with several other coworkers. It’s been about a month since I enthusiastically started looking

          New career ~For the UK settlement #48~

          One day trip to London ~For the UK settlement #47~

          Day 47 One day coach trip to London. Thanks to my former senior colleague, I really enjoyed becoming a one-day Londoner by cycling across the city. Also, I visited Drake’s, which I was longing for. (This is why I’m wearing Drake’s shirt

          One day trip to London ~For the UK settlement #47~

          Expressiveness ~For the UK settlement #46~

          Day 46 *WARNING: This post includes a bit sexual content. I hung out with a Salvador friend who I’d met in a language exchange last week. I’m glad to meet such a quite nice and friendly guy in this new place. I taught him Japanese and lea

          Expressiveness ~For the UK settlement #46~