
【英訳】名前は片想い by indigo la End - Namae wa Kataomoi English Lyrics

一目惚れだったよ It was love at first sight
だから怖かったな That's why I was scared
始まりに恋して途中を飛ばしたの I fell in love at the start and skipped the in-between

あなたと私混ざれないのかな I wonder if you and I can't mix
偶然色が同じなだけ We just happened to be the same color
たったそれだけでバツが悪いの And just that makes it awkward
知っちゃった I found out

曖昧な関係の名前は片想い This ambiguous relationship is called 'unrequited love'
賢くなった私って誰 Who is this me that has become wise?
そうやって縛った That's how I bound us
いつも通りのこと Like always
私らしく生きるより Rather than you live as I do
あなたらしく生きて欲しいから I want you to live as you are, so this is
バイバイ Goodbye

いつも悲しいけど Although I'm always sad
明るく歌ったよ I sang cheerfully
わかって欲しいけど I want you to understand, but
わかって欲しくもない I also don't want you to understand

どんな溜め息も見逃さないと Don't miss any type of sigh
社会の空気が言い出した Suggested the breath of society
正しさの矛 The weapon of righteousness
たまに痛いよ Hurts at times

問題ない関係で悩んだりしないから I won't be worried about unproblematic relationships
賢くなったつもりにならないで Don't act like you're so wise
そうやって縛ってしまって片想い 'Unrequited love' - That's how I bound us
生きていくためのリアル This is my reality to keep living
あなたはあなたらしく生きたの?今日も Did you live as yourself again today? 

曖昧な関係の名前は片想い This ambiguous relationship is called 'unrequited love'
賢くなった私って誰 Who is this me that has become wise?
そうやって縛った That's how I bound us
いつも通りのこと Like always
私らしく生きるより Rather than you live as I do
あなたらしく生きて欲しいとか I say I want you to live as you are
強がってしまったの I tried to be strong
本当は崩れ落ちそうで     When really, I'm about to fall apart
飛んでった理性を取り戻したいのに     I want to regain my reasoning that flew out the window
身体はやけに正直     But my body is awfully honest
私らしく片想いに乗せて歌った     Being myself, I sang it as an unrequited love

This is my first time (publicly) attempting to translate lyrics. Thanks to 呼吸ちゃん's analysis, I think I went from 10% to 25% in understanding the meaning behind the lyrics. 
