EP12: My Favorite Ways to Relax
1. まず聞いてみる
2. スクリプトと日本語を確認し内容を理解する
3. もう一度聞いて理解が追いつくか確かめる
4. スキマ時間で繰り返し聞く
★ スピーキング力もアップさせたい方
Hello everyone, thank you for listening. This is Kento, and you are listening to "多聴多読 English Radio." Today, I’m going to talk about my favorite ways to relax. Do you have a special way to relax?
As for me, I have a few ways relax. So, let me share them with you. The first thing I usually do when I’m feeling stressed or just want to relax is read books. Any kind of book is fine—I just love reading. I think I’ve mentioned this before, but yes, reading is something I really enjoy. So when I want to relax, I grab a book and head to a nearby café. I’ll stay there for an hour or two, just reading and enjoying some coffee. That’s one of my favorite ways to relax.
Another way I like to relax is by going to the sauna. Actually, this is one of my top ways to unwind. There’s a sauna near my house—not too close, but it’s about 15 minutes away by bike, so it’s fairly convenient. I don’t go very often, but recently, I’ve been going about once or twice a month. It’s not just a sauna though—it’s a large public bath with several baths to choose from, and it also has a sauna. So, I go there to relax from time to time.
Also, going to the movies is one of my favorites. I have talked about this before as well. But yeah, watching movies at the movie theater is like escaping from reality - I can completely immerse myself in the movie, and that somehow helps me relax.
Besides those, I also practice meditation on a daily basis. Have you ever tried meditation? I’ve been doing it for several years now, though I have to admit, I’m not always consistent—I sometimes forget. But when I remember, I usually meditate before starting work because it helps me focus. I also like to meditate before going to bed, as it’s a great way to relax and wind down for the day. Just taking a few deep breaths helps a lot.
So, those are my favorite ways to relax: reading, going to the café, going to the sauna, going to the movies and practicing meditation or deep breathing. How about you? What are your favorite ways to relax? Please let me know in the comments—I’d love to hear about how you unwind!
All right, that’s it for today. As always, you can find the transcription and Japanese translation of this episode in the description. Thank you for listening, and I’ll talk to you in the next episode. Bye-bye!
grab - 手に取る、つかむ
head to - 〜へ向かう
sauna - サウナ
unwind - リラックスする、くつろぐ
public bath - 公衆浴場、銭湯
escaping from reality - 現実逃避
somehow - どういうわけか、なんとなく
meditation - 瞑想
admit - 認める
consistent - 一貫している、安定している
wind down - リラックスしてくつろぐ、ゆっくりする
EP12: お気に入りのリラックス法
こんにちは。お聞きいただきありがとうございます。Kento です。「多聴多読 English Radio」へようこそ。今日は、僕の好きなリラックス方法についてお話ししたいと思います。皆さんには、特別なリラックス方法がありますか?
それに加えて、毎日瞑想もしています。瞑想を試したことはありますか? 僕は何年か瞑想をしてきましたが、正直なところ、いつも確実にできているわけではありません。時々忘れてしまいます。でも思い出したときには、仕事を始める前に瞑想するのが好きです。そうすると、集中力が高まる気がするんです。また、夜寝る前にも瞑想をするのが好きで、それは1日の終わりにリラックスする良い方法だと思います。深呼吸をするだけでも、すごくリラックスできます。
ということで、これが私のお気に入りのリラックス方法です。読書、カフェに行くこと、サウナに行くこと、映画を観ること、そして瞑想や深呼吸です。皆さんのリラックス方法は何ですか? ぜひコメントで教えてください。どんなふうにリラックスしているのか、聞いてみたいです!