
毎週のメッセージ「神からの報いを私たちに受けるようにさせる3つの行動(イッサカル族の月)」 ゲヤス・ローレンス

親愛なる 信じておられる聖徒の皆様!








−私たちは教会、ミニスターたち、あるいは貧しい人たちに捧げるのではありません。私たちは神に捧げます。 私たちの動機は、神の御目にとって純粋なものでなければなりません。





−私たちは ことば数が多ければ、自分の祈りが聞かれると思ってはなりません(マタイ6:7)。   

−神は私たちが必要なものをすでに知っておられます。ですので、私たちは何をすれば良いのでしょう? 私たちは神の御名、神の国と神のみこころをまず第一に求めます。   









 この季節において、イエスがされたように 私たちは祈りと断食を通して、荒野の季節から出て行かなければなりません(マタイ4:2)。サタンは私たちや全世界を試しています。反キリストの霊が立ち上がっていますが、イエスが私たちに授けてくださった権威によって、私たちは打ち勝つことができます(ルカ10:19)。



使徒 ゲヤス・ローレンス

Weekly Message- Three actions that causes God to reward us (Month of Issachar)

Dear believing saints!

We have just moved into the month of Iyar, which is the month of the tribe of Issachar. 

The name Issachar means "My reward". Hebrews 11:6 says, "Without faith it is impossible to please Him, for he who comes to God must believe that He is and that He is a rewarder of those who seek Him." God rewards us when we seek Him diligently. 

Jesus told us that when we do three things to seek God, God will reward us. 

Three Kingdom righteous actions that will cause God to reward us:

1. When we give our finances to God (Mat.6:1-4)
- We are told to give to God in secret. When God sees our secret action, God will reward us.
- We are not to give to be praised by people or the church.
- We do not give to the church, ministers or to the poor people. We give to God. Our motive must be pure before the eyes of God. 

2. When we pray in secret, God rewards us (Mat.6:5-15)
- Our prayers of thanksgiving, praise and petitions must be done in secret.
- When we enjoy praying with people to be seen and heard, we lose our reward (v.5).
- God will see us pray in secret, and will reward us (v.6).
- We should not think that our prayers will be answered because of our many words (v.7).
- God already knows what we need. So what do we do? We seek God's name, God"s Kingdom and God's will first.
- We seek the Name of God through praise. We praise the name of Jesus!
- We seek the Kingdom of God through surrender and giving our lives to the King.
- We seek the Will of God by praying in tongues. When we pray in tongues, the Holy Spirit prays through us the complete will of God (Romans 8:26-27).

3. When we fast in secret, God rewards us (Mat.6:16-18)
- Fasting is when we choose not to eat something or not do something so that we can seek God through His Word.
- We are not to fast to be known by people. Fasting food, a drink, sweets, TV, internet, and other things, we do it to seek God's presence to fill us.
- Fasting does not change God. Fasting kills our natural desires, so that our spiritual desires will resurrect. Self-control is needed to be strong in prayer.
- Fasting does not mean that we do not eat anything. We can choose to deny ourselves many things so that we can seek God and His Word more.

In this season, we must come out of the wilderness season through prayer and fasting as Jesus did (Matthew 4:2). Satan is testing us and the the whole world. The spirit of the anti-Christ is rising up but we can overcome by the authority Jesus gave us (Luke 10:19). 

The first test question always is what are we eating? Jesus said, "Man shall not live on bread alone, but on every word that proceeds out of the mouth of God." (Mat.6:4) We live by what God is saying and not on what people say. Lets rise up and speak what God is saying! 

All for the rewards from God and His Kingdom!
apostle Gaius Lawrence
