
使徒的・預言的啓示「空中の権威を持つ支配者に打ち勝つ!」 ゲヤス・ローレンス











−神が語ってくださることは どんなことでも、サタンの王国が打ち負かされるまで、私たちはそれを宣言しなければなりません。 











 私は、今週の金曜夜に「信仰の力」についてオンラインで教えることを楽しみにしています!  「私たちの信仰」が、サタンと手下の悪霊どもに対して打ち勝つようにさせるのです。



※人生を成功させる信仰の原則 6/18(金)19:30から:https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC3AKiEFq1-KagqXBIB8J47g/featured


使徒 ゲヤス・ローレンス

Apostolic Prophetic Revelation-Overcoming the Prince of the Power of the Air!

Dear overcoming saints!

 We are truly in a time where Satan and His kingdom is trying to stop the move of God in the earth and in the church. Satan always opposes the plans of God for the nations. Satan is called our enemy! We must understand that we are still living under the second heaven, but Jesus has told us that we can overcome by declaring the wisdom of God to the second heaven. 

Here are key points for us to know in this warfare season!

1. Paul said that our battle is not with people, but with the angels in the second heaven (Ephesians.6:11-13).   

- We always seem to look at people, but we need to know where the battle ground is.    

- We wrestle with dark angels that are ruling nations and cities.    

- Jesus has told us to wrestle with these invisible spirits.

2. One of the purposes of the church is to make known the wisdom of God to these Dark angels (Ephesians.3:10).    

- Every believer is to declare the plan of God to Satan and his angels.    

- Whatever God says, we must declare it until the Kingdom of Satan loses.    

- We are told to resist Satan with the Word of God and with our prophetic words (James 4:7). 

3. Satan is the prince of the power of the air (Ephesians 2:2).   

- Paul said that Satan is the prince of the air, and this spirit works in the children of disobedience.    

- We must overcome satan with obedience. Loving God and loving people.    

- Satan tempts us to walk away from Jesus and His holiness. We must rise up and resist every thought of temptation.

4. Satan hinders us to do the will of God (1Thes.2:18).   

- We must know who hinders us. The Bible says it is Satan.    

- The word "hinder" means to "cut down". Satan wants to cut down everything we are doing.    

- Jesus said that Satan comes to steal, kill and destroy (John 10:10). Jesus wants to give us abundance!   

- We must resist the thief who will try to destroy our lives and the nations.

 I am looking forward to teaching this Friday night on the power of faith! Our faith overcomes Satan and demons. 

Our faith overcomes the Leviathan spirit, the Jezebel spirit, the Nephillim spirits, the familiar spirits, and all the power of the enemy (Luke 10:10). 

We must cut off the head of the snake by our faith! Let us truly become believers who overcome our true enemy, which is Satan! 

Time to overcome!

apostle Gaius Lawrence
