使徒的・預言的啓示「最大の敵は "疑い" と呼ばれるものです!」 ゲヤス・ローレンス
Wow! この聖句は私たちが疑えば、信者は神から何も受け取っていくことはできないと言っています! 神の大いなる約束の数々はみな、私たちが疑えば、私たちのもとに決して来ることはありません!
主からすべてを受け取る方法! (ヤコブ1:5〜8)
−私たちがついに神が寛大な方 / 惜しみなく与える方、また良い方であると見ることができる時、私たちは受け取ることを期待できます。
私は今週の土曜、「神の栄光の増加」について教えてくださる使徒トレバー師をお迎えすることを楽しみにしています。神は私たちに奇跡の数々を、またさらに多くの奇跡を経験して欲しいと願っておられるのです! 私たちの人生にのしかかるすべての呪いが打ち砕かれるのを見るにしたがい、この年に驚くべき奇跡をどのようにして受け取るのかを学ぼうではありませんか。事前登録URL: https://churchofpraise.jp/archives/event/online-210130
私は使徒的スクールにおいて、新しいトピックを教えます。新しいコースのタイトルは「神の完全な計画を妨げる呪いを打ち砕く方法」です。祈りの答えを見ないようにさせる、多くの信者たちを妨げている「疑い」と呼ばれる最大の敵を打ち砕く方法について、私は多く教える予定でいます。私たちに残存する、すべての呪いをいま打ち砕く時です。神は、私たちすべてのために良い計画である完全な計画をお持ちです。神の祝福の数々に入っていきましょう!受講申込みURL: https://churchofpraise.jp/archives/event/ac-online-202102
使徒 ゲヤス・ローレンス
Apostolic Prophetic Revelation-Greatest Enemy is called DOUBT!
Dear believing saints!
We are moving ahead in this season of overcoming curses and darkness! James 1:6,7 says, "But let him ask in faith, not doubting. For he that doubts is like a wave of the sea driven with the wind and tossed. For let not that man think that he shall receive anything from the Lord."
Wow! This says that a believer will not receive anything from God if we doubt! All the great promises of God will never come to us if we doubt! Asking God with doubt does not produce anything. Doubt keeps us under a curse, and keeps us in a life of defeat. This is our greatest enemy that we must overcome to see the goodness of God, and His good plan to manifest in our lives!
How to receive everything from the Lord! (James 1:5-8)
1. Ask God for what we lack (v.5).
- We must know what we lack by seeing the promises of God for us.
- God does not move for us just because we have lack.
2. We must believe that God gives generously without finding fault (v.5)
- God is generous.
- God is not trying to find fault in us!
3. We must ask believing and not doubt (v.6)
- Doubt is like the wave tossed by the wind.
- If we are getting tossed around by believing and then not believing, then we will not receive all from God.
4. We must expect to receive from the Lord because we do not doubt His generosity (v.7)
- When we finally see that God is generous and good, then we can expect to receive.
- Expectation of seeing the goodness of God is the key to overcome doubt.
5. We must choose to not be double-minded (v.8).
- When we walk in faith and doubt, it does not work.
- We must be stable and receive every promise that God has made us.
I am looking forward to seeing apostle Trevor this Saturday, as he teaches on the Increase of the Glory of God. God wants us to experience miracles and more miracles! Lets learn how to receive amazing miracles this year as we see every curse broken in our lives.
I will start a new teaching for Apostolic School. The new course is called "How to destroy curses that hinder the perfect plan of God". I will be teaching a lot on how to destroy the greatest enemy called DOUBT that is hindering many believers to not see answers to prayer. Now is the time to destroy every curse that lingers around us. God has a perfect plan which is a good plan for all of us. Lets move into the blessings of God!
All for faith!
apostle Gaius Lawrence