
使徒的・預言的啓示「神のよみがえりの力を活性化する方法!」 ゲヤス・ローレンス




水の洗礼では、私たちはおのれが新しい人になったことを宣言しました。そうです、私たちは新生したのです! イエスは今や、聖霊を通して私たちのうちに住んでくださっています(ローマ8:9)。私たちはイエス・キリストと一つになったのです! イエスはいつも私たちとともにおられます! 主を賛美します!


















 −イエスは私たちに、私たちが病人に手を置くことができ、彼らは回復すると言われました(マルコ16:16〜17)。イエスは「祈りなさい」とは言われませんでした! 皆さんの手をただただ置きましょう!






【全国】手を置くミニストリー – 神の力を受けて流す – 申込先→: https://gaiuslawrence.com/event/online-210413

使徒 ゲヤス・ローレンス

Apostolic Prophetic Revelation-How to activate the Resurrection Power of God!

Dear victorious saints!

  I want to thank everyone who joined our Passover service onsite and online. Passover is the season where we remember the death and the resurrection of Jesus Christ.
We know that because of Jesus, our old person has died with Jesus and we have been risen with Jesus to a new life with God (Romans 6:1-8).
In water baptism, we declared that we have become a new person. Yes, we are born again! Jesus now lives in us through the Holy Spirit (Romans 8:9). We are one with Jesus Christ! Jesus is always with us! Praise the Lord!

 We are now in the countdown to Pentecost. Pentecost means "fifty". Pentecost was to be the season to receive new power from Heaven by the Holy Spirit. It was not enough just to believe in the death and the resurrection of Jesus.
The disciples were to wait until they were endured with power from on High (Luke 24:49). Jesus wants to live in us, and also live His life through us. The presence of King Jesus must become real to each believer in Christ.

Philippians 3:10 says, "That I may know Him, and the power of His resurrection, and the fellowship of His sufferings, being made conformable unto His death".
The word for "know" means to experience it. It is not head knowledge. We have the resurrection power of Jesus in us. We must know how to activate this resurrection power that is in us.

How to activate the Resurrection Power of God!

1. We must speak words of faith in the resurrection power of Jesus in us (1 Corinthians 2:5).
- Remember that the power of God is activated by our own words.
- Because God is everywhere, the power of God is everywhere. The power of God is in us.
- The power of God is the electricity of Heaven. To turn the switch on, we use declarations of faith.

2. We must thank Jesus for His power (Psalm 100:4)
- Thanksgiving opens the gates of God. The more we thank the Lord, the more we open the door to His power.
- The portals of the realm of God opens, and we now can have access to the power of God.

3. As the power of God comes upon us, we speak or sing what Jesus is revealing to our minds (Acts 2:1-4).
- When the Spirit of God comes upon us, we must flow with what God is singing or saying.
- The voice of God are the thoughts of God that comes into our mind where we think. We speak and sing our inner thoughts.
- Jesus wants to pray through us as He intercedes for us. What Jesus is saying in Heaven, speak it out!

4. We must use the power of God by laying hands on people and things (Mark 5:27-34).
- Jesus told us that we can lay hands on the sick and they will recover (Mark 16:16-17). Jesus did not say pray! Just lay your hands!
- Our hands releases the tangible power of God to people.
- The anointing we have now increases as we give it away. When we sow, we reap. The more we minister to others, the more power increases.

 The Lord has led me to teach on the topic of the Laying on of Hands for the new Apostolic School course. Every believer is called to the ministry of the laying on of hands.
We must know what the Bible says about this ministry. God has chosen to use our hands to heal people and also to release the power of the Holy Spirit.
Lets learn how to do this according to the Bible. This course will start next week. It is time for us to release the power of God!

All for the manifestation of the Power of God!
apostle Gaius Lawrence
