



神の栄光は、神のご人格です! 神の栄光は、神ご自身がどういうお方であるか、神ご自身を現わします。












−私たちが神を求めるにしたがい、神の栄光が私たちのうちに隠されます。イエスが私たちのうちにすでにおられることを忘れないでいましょう! 私たちはイエスを知らなければなりません!




−神を知るためには、私たちは「じっと be still」していなければなりません。この言葉のヘブル語の原語「raphah」は、「何もしないでいること to be idle」「残る・とどまること to stay」「やめる・停止すること to cease」を意味します。 

−私たちが神の御前で立ち止まる時、何が起こるのでしょう? 神は地上で高く掲げられます! 私たちがいったん神を知れば、国々は変えられていきます!














4.すべての気を散らすものを取り除きましょう!  あなたとイエスだけの時間です! 皆さんの心の扉を開きましょう(黙3:20)。





使徒 ゲヤス・ローレンス

Apostolic Prophetic Revelation-How to encounter the Glory of God in us!

Dear victorious saints!

I had a great time teaching on the Glory movement on Saturday. The Glory of God is the character of God! The Glory of God is who He is. Moses asked to see the Glory of God, and God revealed His person or personality (Ex.34:18; 34:5-7). The Bible says that Moses knew Gods ways, and Israel knew the acts of God (Ps.103:7). God wants us to know His ways so that we can reveal who He is to the world. Seeing the acts of God do not change our lives.

Key revelations concerning the Glory of God!

1. God's Glory in us means that we are changing into His image (2 Cor.3:17-18).

- We change from Glory to Glory as we experience Jesus in us. 

- Transformation happens in our hearts first. 

2. The Glory of God is like a wave (Ps.42:7). 

- Waves of the presence of God manifests in us. One wave after another keeps on coming as we seek the presence of Jesus in us. 

- The Glory of God cleanses us. God is holy, and we experience His refreshing as we seek the Lord. 

3. The Glory of God is the secret place of God Almighty (Ps.91:1). 

- The Glory of God is hidden in us as we seek Him. Do not forget that Jesus is already in us! We must know Him!

- We seek the Lord as we wait for His presence to manifest in us (Is.26:8-9).

- The soul desires but our spirit seeks God. We must know God in us. We must carry the Glory of God.

4. The Glory of God, which is the manifest presence of God in us, produces silence (Ps.46:10; Zeph.1:7; Hab.2:20; Zech.2:13).

- To know God we must "Be Still". The word "raphah" means "to be idle", "to stay", "to cease". 

- What happens when we cease before God? God will be exalted in the earth! Once we know God, nations are changed!

5. The fullness of God's presence results in holy silence (Job 4:16). 

- Job said there was silence..... and then the voice of God! 

- We must come to the place that we can hear God in our hearts (Mark 4:9). 

6. The Glory of God which is the character of God protects the anointing (Hab.3:4). 

- The power of God comes out of the Glory of God. The power is hidden in the presence of God in us. 

- As we become more like Jesus, the more power we can receive from Jesus. 

7. The Glory of God is the Light of God (Is.60:1-3).

- The Light in us must be revealed to expose darkness. 

- We must become the light of the world and the salt of the earth. As we shine, the world is transformed.

Steps to encounter the Glory of God in you!

1. Believe that Jesus is already in you (John 1:12; Gal.2:20).
2. Tell Jesus that you want to know Him and not just His acts.
3. Ask Jesus to cleanse your spirit, soul and body with His blood and His presence.
4. Remove every distraction! Only you and Jesus time! Open the door of your heart (Rev.3:20).
5. Wait in silence until you feel the spiritual wave of His presence in your heart (Usually takes about 10 to 15 minutes).
6. Keep your thoughts on Jesus and His love for you, and start checking your thoughts (1 Cor.2:16).
7. Allow the Lord to fill you util you are full of the love of God and His peace.

 All to experience the Glory of God!
apostle Gaius Lawrence
