
使徒的・預言的啓示「サタンの計画がキャンセルされるのを見る季節!」 ゲヤス・ローレンス




この季節において、神がエステルの この物語を通して私たちに語っておられることを、私たちは理解しなければなりません(エステル9:21〜32)。









−勝利は、王イエスが私たちの状況において 私たちに好意を与える時に来ます。 

−私たちが神の御前にへりくだる時、神は私たちに ご自身の恵みと好意をお与えになります(ヤコブ4:6〜7)。 













使徒 ゲヤス・ローレンス

Apostolic Prophetic Revelation-Season to see the plan of Satan cancelled!

Dear overcoming saints!

 We have just celebrated the Feast of Purim. This is the season to celebrate the breakthrough anointing that came to deliver the Jewish people from the evil plan of Satan. Esther and Mordecai were chosen to stop the plan of Satan, who wanted to destroy the plan of God. We must understand what God is saying to us through this story of Esther in this season (Esther 9:21-32).

1. Esther means star. We are to shine as light in the world of darkness.    

- Wherever we are now, we are to shine the light.    

- God can use us where we are now to change the atmosphere around us. 

2. Haman means noise. We are to overcome the noise in the world of darkness.   

- We are in a season of where there is a lot of noise in our minds.    

- We must silence the noise by the truth of the Word of God.    

- The noise of destruction and fear must be silenced by the voice of faith!

3. Esther did not win by attacking Haman. Esther won by receiving favor from the king.    

- Victory comes to us when King Jesus gives us favor into our situation.    

- When we humble ourselves before God, God gives us His grace and favor (James 4:6,7).    

- Pride causes us to not receive favor from King Jesus. Humility causes King Jesus to rise up!

4. Favor caused the plans of Satan to change.    

- The anointing of Esther is the anointing of favor. Favor causes the plans of Satan to change.    

- We are in the season of where God wants to cause the darkness to flee.    

- We must rise up in this season and declare that the light of God will win!

Apostolic Declaration;

1. Declare that the light of God is on us. 

2. Declare that we will overcome the noice of fear and torment. 

3. Declare that the favor of God will come upon us, because we humble ourselves before King Jesus!

4. Declare that the plans of the Kingdom of Darkness will shut down! 

5. Declare that the plan of God for every nation will manifest as darkness leaves!

All for King Jesus!

apostle Gaius Lawrence
