
使徒的・預言的啓示「天からの雨を受け取る4つの方法!」 ゲヤス・ローレンス


 先日の日曜日、強力な啓示の油注ぎが私に臨みました。主は、天からの神の力が ご自身の民に臨んで来ようとしているということを私に示しておられました。

主が私に示してくださった みことばは、第1コリント2:4〜5で、そこには「そして、私のことばと私の宣教とは、説得力のある知恵のことばによって行われたものではなく、御霊と御力の現れでした。それは、あなたがたの持つ信仰が、人間の知恵にささえられず、神の力にささえられるためでした」と書き記されています。






2.私たちは力(「dunamis 」)のデモンストレーションに心を開かなければなりません。

 −神の力は 私たちが主の臨在を歓迎するにしたがって、私たちの人生に臨むことができます。

 −聖霊は 私たちが信じるにしたがって、ご自身の力を現わされます。













使徒 ゲヤス・ローレンス

Apostolic Prophetic Revelation-Four ways to receive the Rain from Heaven!

Dear Kingdom saints!

There was a strong revelation anointing that came upon me last Sunday.
The Lord was revealing to me that His power from Heaven was coming upon His people.
The verse that the Lord brought to me was 1 Corinthians 2:4,5 which says, "And my speech and my preaching was not with enticing words of man's wisdom,but in demonstration of the Spirit and of power, so that your faith should not stand in the wisdom of men, but in the power of God."

Here are four ways to receive the rain from Heaven!

1. We must open up to the demonstration of the Holy Spirit

- The gospel of the Kingdom is not just words, but it is a revealing of the Holy Spirit.

- The Holy Spirit wants to demonstrate His power and His wisdom.

- The Holy Spirit only comes when we welcome Him in our lives.

2. We must open up to the demonstration of power ("dynamis")

- The power of God can come to our lives as we welcome the presence of the Lord.

- The Holy Spirit demonstrates His power as we believe.

- To see the power of God, we must stop putting faith in the wisdom of men.

3. We open up the Heavens by the keys of the Kingdom of God (Matthew 16:18,19)

- The church can open up the heavens over the earth. Our words open doors in the spirit realm.

 - The church can overcome the gates of Hades. These gates of Satan must be closed by the church of Jesus Christ!

- There are gates of God that we can open up on earth (Ps.100:4). Thanking Jesus opens the pathway for Him to demonstrate His power.

4. The earth can receive the rain from Heaven (Deut.11:11)

- The earth belongs to the Lord (Ps.24:1). The whole earth needs the rain of Heaven.

- In the Last days, there will be an outpouring of the Holy Spirit (Acts 2:17-21).

- The Lord will show wonders and signs (v.19). Many will call upon the name of the Lord (v.21). We must ask for the Rain from Heaven!

Let us choose to put faith in the power of God. Let us allow the Holy Spirit to demonstrate His presence and power.

 The presence of the Lord is coming to earth with more power. The presence of God will increase in the church service in this season, so get ready and come expecting to see the demonstration of the Holy Spirit and power.

 The Kingdom of God is invading the earth. The Lord will fight for His earth, because Jesus is coming back for His church and His earth (Psalm 2:8).

All the earth belongs to Jesus Christ!
apostle Gaius Lawrence
