親愛なる 喜びに満ちあふれた聖徒の皆様!
確かに 私たちは予想外の(見たこともない)季節を通っていたとしても、喜ぶようにと召されています。
光は暗闇に常に打ち勝ち、神の国は反キリストの王国とバビロン・システムを滅ぼしていきます。イエスはサタンと、国々に対するサタンの邪悪な計画にすでに打ち勝ちました! 私たちは、神が立ち上がるのを見ていきます!
私はすべての父親の皆様に、父の日にあたり、幸いを祈りたいと思います。私は今日、私たちが出会うことのできる最高のお父さんについて分かち合いたいと思っています。私たちを救うために この世にイエスを送ってくださった神さまは、「最高のお父さん」なのです。
『イエスが山上の垂訓で ご自身の父について語った8つの真理』
−神の愛は、完全です。「完全 perfect」という言葉は、「完成した・完結した・まっとうした complete」を意味します。
−私たちも父なる神のように、愛において まったきものでなければなりません。
−イエスは、神は地上のどの父親よりも さらに気前の良い方であると教えました。
−イエスは私たちに、神から どのように様々なものをいただくのかを教えてくださいました。願いましょう! 私たちのものにならないのは、私たちが願わないからです(ヤコブ4:2)。
−イエスは私たちに こう祈るように教えました。「父よ、あなたの計画が行われますように」。私たちはまた、私たちの愛にあふれた父なる神に、ご自身の驚くべき計画を私たちに見せてくださるようにと願い求める必要もあります。
使徒 ゲヤス・ローレンス
Apostolic Prophetic Revelation-8 things Jesus said about God the Father
Dear joyful saints!
Yes, we are called to rejoice even when we are going through a very strange season.
Satan and the antichrist kingdom is attacking the nations, but God will rise up and declare His victory over satan.The earth belongs to the Lord!
Light will always overcome darkness, and the Kingdom of God will destroy the anti-christ Kingdom and the Babylonian system.
Jesus has already won against Satan and his evil plans for the nations! We will see God rise up!
I want to wish every father a happy fathers day. I want to share today about the best Father we will ever meet.
God who sent Jesus into this world to save us is the Best Father.
Here are 8 things Jesus said about His Father in the sermon on the Mount.
1. Jesus said that God the Father does good works and not bad works (Mat.5:43-47)
- Most people think that everything that happens on earth is done by God. Jesus said that it is not true. Any good thing or a good work comes from God.
- Jesus said that Satan is the one who steals, kills, and destroys people (John 10:10). Satan is still working to destroy people and nations.
- Jesus told us to do good works, so that we will show who our real Father is. Jesus give us abundant life.
2. Jesus said that God the Father loves everyone (Matthew 5:43-45)
-God makes the sun shine upon the evil and the good, and also sends rain to the just and the unjust.
- We are to love, bless, pray for those who hate and curse us. Love overcomes evil.
3. Jesus said that God the Father is Prefect (Mat.5:48)
- The love of God is perfect. The word perfect means "complete".
- We are also to become complete in love like our Father God.
4. Jesus said that God the Father rewards things done in secret before God (Mat.6:1,4,6,18)
- God the Father rewards us when we give to others in secret.
- God the Father rewards us when we choose to pray in private with God.
- When we fast in secret, God our Father will reward us. Fasting even your time to be with God releases rewards from God.
5. Jesus said that God the Father forgives all of our sins (Mat.6:14-15)
- We should forgive others because God forgives all of our sins.
- God wants to forgive us and remove the memory of sin from us.
6. Jesus said that God the Father will provide everything for us (Mat.6:26,32).
- Jesus told us to trust God to provide for everything we need.
- God is the best Provider for our lives. We need to trust God and learn to receive.
7. Jesus said that God the Father will give us good things (Mat.7:11)
- God does not just provide our needs, but also give us good things like any father would do for their children.
- Jesus said that God is a lot more generous than any father on earth.
- Jesus told us how to get things from God. Ask! We have not because we do not ask (James 4:2).
8. Jesus said that God the Father has a good plan for us (Mat.7:21).
- Jesus told us to do the will of God the Father. God is good so He has a good plan for us.
- Jesus told us to pray, " Father, let Your plan be done". We also need to ask our loving Father God to show us His amazing plan.
Lot of Christians do not know their true Father God.
We were born again and became a child of God. God will be our Father and He will take care of us and lead us.
Lets trust our good Father God and learn to ask Him for the best life He has for us.
Lets come boldly before Father God, and receive His grace and mercy. God who created heaven and earth is now Your Father! Enjoy!
apostle Gaius Lawrence