




 私たちは、イエス・キリストとその御国が私たちの報いであることを知っています。私たちが主とその御国に仕えることを選ぶにしたがい、主はこの人生において、またのちに来る世においても私たちに報いてくださいます。私たちが蒔くものを 私たちは刈り取ります(ガラテヤ6:5〜9)。

私たちが義に飢え渇くなら、イエスは 私たちは満ち足りると教えました(マタイ5:6)。私たちが神の国とその義とをまず第一に求めるなら、すべてのものは私たちに加えられていきます(マタイ6:33)。



−ルカの福音書はイエスが行い始め、教え始められたことについて書かれた書でした。イエスは いまだに教え、その働きを行なっておられます。 


−イエスは聖霊を通して、私たちのうちに また私たちを通してさらに働きたいと願っておられます。

2.イエスはご自分が よみがえられた後、神の国について教えました(使徒1:2〜3)。 

−イエスは天に上げられるまで、どのようなメッセージを携えておられたのでしょう? 「神の国」のメッセージです。 







−聖霊が私たちを、神と 神の満ち満ちた本質で満たしてくださるお方です。 






 私たちが献金、祈り、また断食を通してでさえ神に仕えることを選ぶにつれ、神は私たちに報いを与えたいと望んでおられるのです(マタイ6:1, 2, 4, 5, 6, 16, 18)。




使徒 ゲヤス・ローレンス

Apostolic Prophetic Revelation-God wants to reward you (Tribe of Issachar) 

Dear victorious saints! 

 I want to thank everyone who prayed for me as I went to Sendai and Tokyo. It was a great time teaching on faith, and also teaching on the deliverance anointing. 

We are in the month of Iyar, and it is the month of the tribe of Issachar. The name Issachar means,"Reward". 

We are to connect with the blessing that is in the name of the tribe. We know that Jesus Christ and His Kingdom is our reward. As we choose to serve the Lord and His Kingdom, the Lord will reward us in this life and in the life to come. 

What we sow is what we reap (Galatians 6:5-9). If we hunger and thirst for righteousness, Jesus said that we will be filed (Matthew 5:6). 

If we seek His Kingdom and His righteousness first, everything will be added unto us (Matthew 6:33). 

 From Acts 1:1-8, we can see 4 key revelations concerning the Kingdom of Jesus:

1. Jesus is still doing ministry and He is also teaching (v.1).   

- The gospel of Luke was about what Jesus began to do and teach. Jesus is still teaching and working.    

- Jesus does His work mainly through believers.    

- Jesus by His Holy Spirit is wanting to do more in us and through us. 

2. Jesus taught on the Kingdom of God after His resurrection (v.2-3).    

- What message did Jesus have before He went back to Heaven? The Kingdom of God.    

- The Kingdom of God is eternal. It has no beginning and there is no end. It is the realm of where God rules as King.    

- The Kingdom of God is what we are commanded to seek first.    

- When we seek to be in right standing with the King of Heaven, then the Kingdom of Heaven manifests in our lives.    

- Heaven is a country and it is not of this world. The Government of Heaven rewards His obedient citizens. 

3. The Holy Spirit is the One who comes from a country called Heaven (v.4-5).   

- The Spirit of God is from Heaven and the disciples were to wait for Him.   

- The Holy Spirit is the One who fills us with God and all of who He is.    

- If we choose to seek the Lord, we become filled with the presence of God who is in heaven. 

4. The Kingdom of God comes to change the hearts of people (v.6-8)   

- The disciple were waiting for a natural deliverance from the Roman power. But Jesus came to set our hearts free.   

- Instead of looking on the outside, we need to look on the inside. Christ lives in us. Heaven is in us!   

- The power of God comes upon us to demonstrate Heaven. God rewards us with His presence and power as we seek to serve King Jesus first!

   God wants to reward us as we choose to serve Him through financial giving, prayer and even fasting (Matthew 6:1,2,4,5,6,16,18). 

If we do things in secret and do it for the Lord, God will reward us from Heaven. 

Jesus told us that if we give our lives for Jesus and His gospel, we will receive a hundredfold blessing in this life and in the life to come (Matthew 19:29; Markm10:29,30). 

Serving King Jesus and working for His gospel is the foundation for the many rewards from God. 

Lets serve King Jesus and spread the message of the Kingdom of God!

Serving Jesus and His Message from Heaven,

apostle Gaius Lawrence
