
使徒的・預言的啓示「神の栄光は どのようにして私たちの上にとどまるのか?」ゲヤス・ローレンス







私たちが王イエスに仕え、またイエスとその福音のために苦しむなら、栄光の御霊は私たちの上にとどまることができます。「とどまる」と訳されている言葉は、ギリシャ語の原語で「anapano」、「立ち止まること to stop」を意味します。

栄光が、私たちの人生に立ち止まることは可能でしょうか? 可能です! 栄光は、王イエスのみこころに仕え、また他の人々に善を行なう者たちにのみ現われます。













 私は今週の土曜、Zoom ウェビナーを通してデイル・マスト師が教えてくださることに興奮を覚えています。この教えは私たちに、神が私たちの人生に対して持っておられる次のご計画にいかにして移り入るかを知るようにさせます。



使徒 ゲヤス・ローレンス

- こうしてダビデは王とされたことを知った - 日本語版書籍発売記念イベント デイル・マスト師(Dale Mast) オンライン Zoom ウェビナー カンファレンス

Apostolic Prophetic Revelation- How does the Glory of God rest upon us? 

Dear overcoming saints!

  I had a wonderful time in Sendai and Tokyo last weekend. The Lord really wants us to experience His Glory. The Glory of God is the manifestation of the presence of God. 

The presence of King Jesus is always with us, but the manifestation is not. Jesus wants us to experience His power.The Lord wants us to experience miracles, signs and wonders. 

The Lord wants us to know His love and His peace in our lives. The Lord wants us to see the harvest of every good seed we have sown in our lives. We can go from Glory to Glory as we give our lives to Jesus. 

 1 Peter 4:14 says, "If you be reproached for the name of Christ, happy are you, for the Spirit of Glory and of God rests upon you.". 

The Spirit of Glory can rest upon us if we serve King Jesus, and suffer for Jesus and His gospel. The word "rest" is "anapano", which means "To stop". Is it possible for the Glory to stop above our lives? Yes! 

The Glory only manifests on those who serve the will of the King and to those who good to others. 

Here are 4 things we should do to have the Glory of the Kingdom of Heaven to "stop" above our heads!

1. We need not be ashamed of the name of Jesus (1 Pet.4:14).    

- To live for the Name of King Jesus is to serve Jesus by loving Jesus and loving others.    

- This means that we will live to do the will of King Jesus for our lives. 

2. We need to not be ashamed to be called a Christian  (1 Pet.4:16).    

- We need to praise God that we bear the Name of Jesus Christ.    

- As Christians we live to walk like Jesus in holiness and do good to others. 

3. We need to obey the gospel of God (1 Pet.4:17).   

- Obedience to King Jesus and His Kingdom is the key to see the Glory of Heaven rest upon us. 

4. We should commit ourselves to our Faithful Creator and continue to do good (1 Pet.4:18).   

- We need to surrender ourselves to God and to His plan. God created us and He has a good plan for us.    

- Because God is good, we need to continue to do good. Doing good to others is when the Glory will rest upon us!

   I am excited to have Dale Mast teach this Saturday through zoom webinar. This teaching will cause us to know how to move into the next plan that God has for our lives. 

We can usually not go to the next season until we see ourselves as Jesus sees us. Our self-image must change to do what God has called us to do until we see Jesus face to face!

All for the King of Kings!

apostle Gaius Lawrence
