



聖霊は常に私たちのうちにおり、また私たちとともにおられるのです!  聖霊は ご人格を持った方であり、私たちとともに交わりたいと願っておられます。聖霊は私たちの助け主であり、聖霊は祈りにおいて、また私たちの日々の生活において助けてくださいます。

 私たちは今、贖いのサイクルの始まりにあたる季節に移り入っています。神が地上を覆っている暗闇の力を砕かれるのを、また ご自身の御国が臨むのを私たちは見る必要があります。


神の国が 地上に臨むのを見るには!





2.神が地上で ご自身のみこころを行われることを私たちは期待しなければなりません!(マタイ6:10)。 



−神は「今」、地上で ご自身を現わしたいと願っておられるのです!










−神の国はただ ことばだけではなく、それは「dunamis」の力なのです。  




イエスは、神の力によって地上で ご自身の御国が現われることを私たちに期待して欲しいのです!


使徒 ゲヤス・ローレンス

Apostolic Prophetic Revelation-How to see the Kingdom of God come to earth now! 

Dear victorious saints!

 I want to thank everyone who joined the apostolic teaching on the Holy Spirit last Saturday. 

The Holy Spirit is in us and with us always! The Holy Spirit is a Person, and He wants to fellowship with us. The Holy Spirit is our Helper, and He will help us in prayer and in our daily lives. 

 We are now moving into the season of the beginning of the redemptive cycle. We need to see God break the power of darkness that is over the earth, and see His Kingdom come. Our cry is for the Kingdom of God to come to the earth NOW!

How to see the Kingdom of God come to earth!

1. We are to ask God to manifest His Kingdom on the earth (Matthew 6:10).   

-The Kingdom is to come to every nation. The earth is where it comes to.   

- Heaven is to come to every nation. Heaven is to come to where we are.   

- God wants His Kingdom to manifest on the earth. 

2. We are to expect God to do His will on the earth! (Matthew 6:10)   

- God wants to come and manifest His plan on the earth.   

- What God does in Heaven, God wants to do it here on the earth.    

- God wants to reveal Himself on the earth now!

3. We are to declare, "The Kingdom of Heaven is near". (Matthew 4:17)   

- Jesus preached the Kingdom of Heaven is close to the earth.   

- The apostles declared that the Kingdom was near (Matthew 10:7).    

- The seventy disciples declared the Kingdom is near (Luke 10:9). 

4. We are to welcome the Kingdom of God which is the realm of the Holy Spirit (Romans 14:17)   

- When the Kingdom of God comes, righteousness manifests.   

- When the Kingdom of God comes, peace manifests.   

- When the Kingdom of God comes, joy manifests. 

5. We are to expect the power of The Kingdom of God (1 Corinthians 4:20)   

- The Kingdom is not just words, but it is "dunamis" power.    

- God comes and manifests His power on the earth.    

- Jesus comes to work with us on the earth by His Holy Spirit (Mark 16:20)

 I encourage everyone to pray the prayer that Jesus taught us in Matthew 6:9-13. Repeat this prayer at least three times a day. Jesus wants us to expect His Kingdom to manifest on the earth by the power of God!

All for the Kingdom of Heaven!

apostle Gaius Lawrence
