
使徒的・預言的啓示「すでに私たちのものである17の祝福!」 ゲヤス・ローレンス






すべての信者が人生において すでに持つ17の祝福!


2.イエスは すでに私たちのうちに住んでおられる(使徒17:28)。

3.私たちは すでに新しく造られた者であるので、古いものはすでに過ぎ去った(2コリント5:17)。 


4.私たちは すでに神の義をいただいている(2コリント5:21)。 




6.私たちは すでに神の知恵を持っている(1コリント1:30)。


8.私たちは すでに暗闇の圧制から贖い出され、救い出されている(コロサイ1:13〜14)。

9.私たちは すでにイエスの打ち傷によって癒されている(1ペテロ2:24、マタイ8:17)。

10.私たちは すでに罪と死から自由にされている(ローマ8:2)。

11.私たちは すでに悪魔や悪霊どもよりも力がある(1ヨハネ4:4)。



14.私たちは すでにイエスとともに十字架につけられている(ガラテヤ2:20)。

15.私たちは すでにイエスとともに天のところにすわっている(エペソ2:6)。

16.私たちは すでにイエスにあって私たちの必要がすべて満たされている(ピリピ4:19)。

17.私たちは すでにすべての霊的祝福をもって祝福されている(エペソ1:3)。




−イエスは、「私たちが語ったもの」を私たちは持つことができると教えました。私たちは「何」を語るのでしょう? 「イエスが、すでに私たちにくださったもの」をです。







−私たちの思いは、イエスがすでに成し遂げてくださったものと同意しなければなりません! 私たちは、新しい契約にある私たちの祝福を信じ、宣言するのです! 






使徒 ゲヤス・ローレンス

Apostolic Prophetic Revelation-17 blessings that already belongs to you

Dear victorious saints!

 We are in a season where we must know what Jesus has already done for us through His death, resurrection and His ascension. The more we know what we already have, the quicker we can activate the blessings of the victory we have in Jesus. Here are 17 blessings that Jesus already has bought for us and given it to us. We must first know what really happened through the victorious blood of Jesus. 

17 blessings that every believer already have in their lives!

1. We are already saved and forgiven through Jesus (Romans 10:9-10). 

2. Jesus is living in us already (Acts 17:28).

3. We are already a new creation so the old has gone already (2 Corinthians 5:17).   

- Our inner man is a new creature. We are born again. 

4. We have the righteousness of God already (2 Corinthians 5:21).    

- We are not sinners saved by grace. We are righteous already.    

-Our standing with God is already secure.

5. There is no more condemnation (Romans 8:1).

6. We already have the wisdom of God (1 Corinthians 1:30).

7. We can reign in life because we have the abundance of grace (Romans 5:17).

8. We are already redeemed and delivered from the power of darkness (Colossians 1:13-14).

9. We are already healed by the stripes of Jesus(1 Peter 2:24; Matthew 8:17). 

10. We are already free from sin and death (Romans 8:2).

11. We are already greater than the devil and demos (1 John 4:4).

12 We are already a conqueror (Romans 8:37).

13. We can overcome all things through Jesus already (Philippians 4:13).

14. We are already crucified with Jesus (Galatians 2:20).

15. We are already seated with Jesus in the heavenly places (Ephesians 2:6). 

16. We already have all of our needs supplied in Jesus (Philippians 4:19)

17. We are already blessed with every spiritual blessing (Ephesians 1:3). 

What do we do after we find out such good news through the message of the blood of Jesus? 

We must claim by Proclamation.

1. We experience what we declare (Mark 11:22-23). Our words cause blessings to manifest!   

- Jesus said that we can have what we say. What do we say? What Jesus has already given to us. 

2. Our Great High Priest manifests what we declare (Hebrews 4:14).    

- The word confession is "homo-logia" in the Greek. This word means "to say the same thing".    

- We must say what Jesus is saying. We must declare what Jesus already has given to us. 

3. Saying "Thank you" to Jesus Christ prepares the way for our declarations to manifest (Ps.50:23; Ps.22:3).    

- All the blessings are in our spiritual account. The access code is our declaration with praise.    

- We activate the blessings by declaring who we are in our spirit, our inner man.    

- Our mind has to agree with what Jesus has already done! We believe and we declare our New Covenant blessings! 

I am looking forward to coming to Sendai this Friday to teach on the law of faith that brings victory in our lives. 

I will then teach in Tokyo on Saturday morning about the deliverance anointing. 

On Sunday I will be at our Church of Praise Tokyo and teach and impart what the Lord is saying and doing. 

Jesus Christ has already won! Satan is defeated! It is time to celebrate!

All praise to the victorious King Jesus!

apostle Gaius Lawrence
