
使徒的・預言的啓示「キリストのさばきの座とは?」 ゲヤス・ローレンス














−イエスを見るという知識は 私たちに、主を恐れるようにさせます。そのことは私たちに、自分が行なうようにと召されたものを行なうように仕向けます。















−神は私たちを、この季節に生きるようにと造ってくださいました。なぜ「今」でしょう? 私たちは神から まだ命をいただいている間は「しもべ」として神に仕えなければならないからです。 

−私たちは神に仕えるために創造されました。私たちの毎日の日常生活は「テスト」なのです!  私たちは愛をもって、神および他の人々に仕えなければなりません。 

−私たちは毎日、他の人々に善を行なうよう選び取らなければなりません。毎日、他の人々に親切にし、優しくしましょう。なぜでしょう? 私たちが神の国に入った時、私たちが報いを受けるようになるからです。


「キリストのさばきの座」は、地上で神と神の働きのために私たちが行なったすべてのもののための報いを受けるようになる場所です。私たちが子どもに一杯の水を与える時、私たちは将来、報いを受けるようになります。 私たちのさばきは、罪と恥に定める場所ではありません。神が私たちに与えてくださった時間を無駄にしないよう選ぼうではありませんか。神は私たちが働くように造ってくださいました。神はこの地上において私たちに報いを与え、また神は神の国において永遠の報いを私たちに与えてくださいます。


【全国オンライン授業】キリストのさばきの座に立つクリスチャンたち (全8時間授業/6000円)→ https://gaiuslawrence.com/event/online-210608


使徒 ゲヤス・ローレンス

Apostolic Prophetic Revelation-What is the Judgment Seat of Christ? 

Dear victorious saints!

   We are still in the season of birthing the new things that God wants to do for us. God is our source, and God is the One who promised that He will supply all of our needs (Phil.4:19). The Lord has led me to teach from next week about the judgment seat of Christ. I want to explain briefly on what the Judgment Seat of Christ is in the Bible.

What is the Judgment Seat of Christ?

1. Everyone will receive judgment after death (Hebrews 9:27).   

-The truth is that all of us keep on living after our time on the earth. After our time is over on earth, then every person will be judged.    

- Unbelievers will be judged by the wrath of God. Believers will be judged by Jesus to receive rewards. It is not a place of condemnation. 

2. We will all give account of ourselves to God (Romans 14:10-13).   

- Paul says that we should never judge believers because we will be judged by God.   

- We should never judge others because none of us are perfect. Only God is perfect. God is the only judge. 

3. We will receive what is due us for the things done while in the body, whether good or bad (2 Corinthians 5:10,11).   

- This is a place of receiving rewards for what we do for the Lord.    

- The knowledge of seeing Jesus causes us to fear the Lord. It causes us to do what we are called to do. 

4. We will be judged for the quality of our work (1 Corinthians 3:5-15).   

- God has assigned to each one of us work on earth. We work for God (v.5).   

- We will all be rewarded according to our labor (v.8).   

- The Judgment Day will test the quality of each persons work (v.13).    

- If what we built is burned up, we will lose our rewards, but we will still be saved and go to Heaven (v.14).

5. If we overcome in this life, we will sit with Jesus on His throne (Revelation 3:21).   

- Jesus is looking for people who can rule with Him as kings for the Kingdom of God on earth in the future.    

- Not every believer will sit with Jesus and rule in the future Kingdom on earth.    

- Some believers will be rulers of nations and planets!

6. If we overcome we will inherit the Kingdom of God and live in the City of God (Rev.21:7).   

- When we are born again, we have access to the Kingdom of God. We can also see the Kingdom of God (John 3:3-5).    

- If we overcome, we can inherit the Kingdom of God. Not every person will receive their inheritance from God the Father.    

- Believers who walk in the flesh will not inherit the Kingdom of God (Gal5:19-21). Yes, they can enter the Kingdom, but not inherit the things they can receive. No work, No rewards!

7. This life is a test and if we pass the test, we will receive praise from God Himself (1 Peter 1:7).   

- God created us to live in this season. Why now? We are to serve God while we have life from God.    

- We were created to serve God. Our daily life is a TEST! We are to serve God and serve others in love.    

- We must choose to do good to others daily. Be kind to others daily. Why? Because we will receive rewards when we enter into the Kingdom of God. 

Conclusion: The judgment seat of Christ is where we will receive rewards for every thing we did for God and His work on the earth. When we give a child a glass of water, we will receive a reward in the future. Our judgment is not a place of condemnation and shame. Let us choose to not waste the time that God has given to us. God made us to work. God will reward us in this earth, and God will give us eternal rewards in the Kingdom of God. 

This new apostolic school will start next week Tuesday. Lets get ready for our future appointment with Jesus. Let us also tell other Christians to learn about the judgment seat of Christ! 

All for the eternal rewards!

apostle Gaius Lawrence
