新年おめでとうございます! すべての年は素晴らしい年、すべての日は素晴らしい日です。
なぜなら それは主が設けられた年、主が設けられた日、私たちはその日を楽しみ喜ぶことを選ばなければなりません! 主は既に この年のための計画を持っておられ、また私たちの将来を既に知っておられます。
以下が 2022年の私たちのビジョンのために、「主が私に与えてくださった7つの啓示」です。
1. 人となった ことばの年(ヨハネ1:14〜15)。
2. 皆さんの栄光と 皆さんの恵みを現わす年(ヨハネ1:14〜15)。
3. 皆さんの宝を現わす年(2コリント4:6〜8)。
4. すべての困難や格闘に打ち勝つ年(2コリント4:8)。
5. 皆さんの祝福を、他の人々に現わす年(2コリント4:8〜12)。
・私たちは 自分の肉に死に、他の人々のための愛に歩むことを選びます。愛は打ち勝つのです!
6. 神の臨在の宮になる年(1コリント3:16)。
7. 聖さの内に歩む年(1コリント3:17)。
・聖さは、神から さらなる力を受け取る主たる条件です。
主は 私たちの上に、また私たちの家に安息したいのです。私たちが神に毎日出会う、私たちの隠れ場を見いだすことによって、日々 主のうちに安息することを選びましょう。
使徒 ゲヤス・ローレンス
Apostolic Prophetic Revelation- Vision for 2022!
Dear Kingdom saints!
Happy New Year! Every year and every day is great because it is the year, and the day that the Lord has made, and we must choose to rejoice in it!
The Lord already has a plan for this year and He already knows our future. We must choose to follow the Lord and obey His Word to see the perfect plan of God die in our lives.
Here are seven revelations that the Lord gave me for our vision for 2022.
1. Year of the Word made flesh (John 1:14-15)
- We must see the truth and do it. The doing of the truth sets us free.
- Jesus manifest who God is in the flesh. We are called to do the same.
2. Year to manifest your glory and your grace (John 1:14,15)
- Jesus manifested the fullness of glory and grace.
-We must manifest the level of glory and grace that is in us.
- This is the year we must see Jesus in the body of Christ!
3. Year to manifest your treasure (2 Cor.4:6-8)
- The treasure of the power of God is in earthen vessels.
- The power of God can flow through our bodies. The anointing is a key to victory.
4. Year to overcome every struggle (2 Cor.4:8)
- Whatever trouble we have, we must overcome and not give up.
- We must stay positive even in negative situations. Jesus can help us.
5. Year to manifest your blessing to others (2 Cor.4:8-12)
- Everything we go through must become a blessing to the people around us.
- We die to our flesh and choose to walk in love for others. Love overcomes!
6. Year to become the temple of Gods presence (1 Cor.3:16)
- We are the temple of God because the Holy Spirit already lives in us.
- The temple must be filled with the presence of God.
- The church is the Body of Christ. We need Jesus and His anointing!
7. Year to walk in holiness (1 Cor.3:17)
-God will destroy the temple where there is a lack of holiness.
- We must choose to allow the Holy Spirit to make us holy like He is.
- Holiness is the main condition to receive more power from God.
- We will cry Holy, Holy, Holy unto the Lord this year!
Let us not forget that this is still the Shemittah year, and it is also the Year of the house.
The Lord wants to rest on us and our house. Lets choose to rest in the Lord daily by finding our secret place where we meet God daily.
God is waiting to visit and dwell with us!
All for the Holiness of God!
apostle Gaius Lawrence