


 個々の人生において神の計画に完全に従うことを選ぶために立ち上がる人々を、神は探し求めている季節に私たちはいます。これはまさにテストの季節であり、サタンは人々を神の国から連れ出すために おのれの最善を尽くしています。







2.神は、私たちが造られる前にご自身が書いてくださった(聖書ではない)その「書物」の中に、私たちの人生について すでに書きしるしてくださっています(詩139:16)。








 − イエスは、神のみこころを行う者が天の御国に入ると言われました(マタイ7:21)。







 −イエスが扉を開いてくださる時は、どのようにして分かるのでしょう? イエスが扉を閉じる場合はどうでしょう? 私たちはこれらのことが起こる時、分かっていなければなりません。

7.私たちは神の完全なみこころや計画ではなく、神の許容なさったみこころや計画(神が仕方なく お許しになったみこころや計画)の中で生きているかも知れません(ヘブル3:16〜4:2)。


 −神に従わなかった大部分の人々に何が起こったのでしょう? 彼らは毎日、祝福されていました! 神は彼らに、日に2回も食事を与え、また彼らは多くの奇跡を見ました。神は依然として彼らとともにおられたのです!


 私は来週火曜日からZoomのバイブル・スクールを通して、私たちの人生にある神の計画をどのようにして知るのかについて教え始めます。私たちを日々最高に幸せにし ハッピーにする、この驚くべきバイブル・スタディーにすべての人が参加するよう励ましたいと思います。私たちが、神の完全な計画の中に入っているということを知っているからです。神の計画と神の導きに関する聖書の原則は大きな鍵です。私たちがイエスを顔と顔を合わせて出会うまで、神の完全なみこころと計画を知り、行なおうではありませんか!


使徒 ゲヤス・ローレンス

Weekly Message- 7 things we need to know about Gods Perfect Plan for our lives

Dear brothers and sisters in Christ!

We are in a season where God is looking for those who will rise up to completely choose to follow the plan of God for their personal lives. Yes, it is a season of testing, and Satan is trying his best to get people out of the Kingdom of God. God wants us us to finish well in this season so that we can move into the new year. The Lord has led me to teach a new course on "How to know the plan of God for your life". We must make sure that we are in the plan that God has set for our lives.

I want to share 7 things that we need to know about Gods plan;

1. God has a general plan for our lives (Her.29:11).

- The general will of God is clearly mentioned in our New Covenant (contract) with God. When we do the general plan of God, we can know the specific plan of God.

- God will not tell us to do things that He has already written in His contract with us. If we do our part, God will do His part.

2. God has already written about our lives in His book (not the Bible) which He wrote before we were created (Ps.139:16).

- God did not just write the rules of contract, but He also wrote down about His plan for our lives in a book with our name on it. God knows it and our guardian angels know it.

- Our hearts or our spirits are made by God. God put His plan in our hearts. When we become born again, the plan of God comes alive.

- Knowing our hearts desire is a big key to know Gods plan for our lives.

3. God chose us for good works before the foundation of the world was created (Ephesians 1:4-5).

- God has prepared the path that we must walk in. When we understand that God is guiding us, then we can be confident in His goodness.

- We must learn to discern the right path every day.

4. Jesus wants us to do the will and plan of God the Father for our lives (Mt.7:21; 1 Jn.2:17).

- Jesus said that those who do the will of God enters into the kingdom of Heaven (Mt.7:21).

- Apostle John said that only those who do the will of God abides forever (1 Jn.2:17). This world system does not seek the will of God or even choose to serve God.

5. Jesus told us that we must choose to do the will and plan of God (John 7:17).

- Jesus said that if we choose to do the will of God, we would know when God is speaking and leading (John 7:17)

- We need to know what comes from God in our daily lives. But we must first desire to know and do the plan of God for our lives. This is a big key!

6. Jesus is the One who has the key of David to open and lock doors (Rev.3:7-8; Is.22:22).

- Many people think that everything that happens in life is God at work. But we must know that Satan and people can also open doors.

- How do we know when Jesus opens a door? How about when Jesus closes a door? We must know when these things happen.

7. We can be living in the permissive will and plan of God, and not the perfect will and plan of God (Hebrews 3:16-4:2).

- The Israelites who came out of Egypt were suppose to have gone into the promised land. But because of disobedience, they did not. Gods perfect plan did not happen.

- What happened to most of those who disobeyed God? They were blessed everyday! God fed them a meal twice a day and they saw many miracles. God was still with them!

- God as Father will still bless His children because we are His children who lives in His House. But we must learn to stay in the perfect will and plan of God.

I will start teaching on how to know the plan of God for our lives through zoom Bible school from next week Tuesday. I would encourage everyone to join this amazing Bible study that will cause us to be happy everyday, because we know that we are in the perfect plan of God. The Biblical principles concerning God"s plan and God"s guidance is a big key. Lets know and do the perfect will and plan of God until we see Jesus face to face!

To be faithful until the end!

apostle Gaius Lawrence
