



神が私たちに近づくことができるよう、神は 私たちが神に近づくことを願っておられます。この季節は、「大きなUターンをする」という意味である悔い改めの季節です。


(使徒3:19, 20。KJV「リフレッシュ」。KJVは最後の文章を使徒3:19に置くが、新改訳は最後の文章を使徒3:20に置く。新改訳は「回復」) の時が来て...」と書き記しています。













 −私たちは死んでいたので、イエスは再び私たちにいのちを与えます。イエスこそが いのちです。イエスの臨在は、私たちの心に感じることができます。

 ウェールズのリバイバルが訪れる前、エバン・ロバーツ師は「4つの点」について いつも語っていました。




「新しい時代」が始まり、私たちは神の栄光がすべての国々に現われるのを見ていきます! 前進する時です!

9/4(土)新年オンラインカンファレンス申込み 参加無料→ https://us02web.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_SiSDGGSvQ-K1NsPPp_bsMA

使徒 ゲヤス・ローレンス

Apostolic Prophetic Revelation- 3 ways to prepare for the outpouring of the Holy Spirit!

Dear overcoming saints!

 We are now getting close to the new year in the Hebrew Calendar. This is a season where we hear the sound of the shofar and prepare ourselves for the Holy God to tabernacle with us. 

God wants us to draw near to Him, so that He can draw near to us. This is a season of repentance, which means to do a big U-Turn. 

We must move towards the real tangible presence of Jesus Christ. The Glory of the Lord must manifest in our personal lives. 

 Acts 3:19 says, "Repent, then, and turn to God, so that your sins may be wiped out, that times of refreshing may come from the Lord". 

How to prepare for the manifest presence of the Lord

1. Repent of dead works!   

- Lot of things we do is just religious things. We pray but we do not pray to Jesus.    

- Rules can be good, but rules do not cause us to enjoy the presence of Jesus Christ.    

- Life without the presence of Jesus is not fun at all. Jesus is the One who satisfies our lives. Sin is life without the presence of Jesus!

2. Turn to the living God!   

- Repentance is not about sorrow. It is about turning our focus.    

- Jesus is not an idol. Jesus is a real person. We can know Jesus as a friend.    

- We turn by seeking Jesus with our hearts. Our words become few when we seek Jesus. Jesus draws near, when we draw near. 

3. The Lord refreshes us by His presence as we seek Him!   

- The season of refreshing comes from the Lord Himself.    

- The word "refreshing" means "recovery of breath". Revival means "recovery of breath".    

- Jesus gives us life again because we were dead. Jesus is Life. The presence of Jesus can be felt in our hearts.    

- Jesus wants to live in us with His Glory. We are to carry the Glory of God in us. 

 Before the Welsh Revival came Evan Roberts would always talk of the 'Four Points'. If people wanted the outpouring of the Holy Spirit, these four conditions must be observed. 

1. Confess all known sin. 

2. Put away all doubtful things and forgive everyone. 

3. Obey all promptings of the Holy Spirit.

4. Publicly confess Jesus Christ as your Savior. 

 Let us get ready for this Saturday as Robert Heidler teaches us about the New year 5782, the Year of Visitation and Harvest! 

The New Era has began and we will see the Glory of God manifest in every nation! Time to move forward!

All for the Outpouring of the Spirit in the Nations!

apostle Gaius Lawrence
