


 私は皆さん お一人ひとりが、ペンテコステの祭りを楽しむことができたことと信じます。使徒2章に記されているように、聖霊は降臨され、主イエス・キリストの教会の新しい時代を創始されました。

その使徒的啓示の言葉が発せられて以降、パレスチナ人らはロケット弾でイスラエルを攻撃し始めました。私はこの文面を書きながら、この攻撃が始まって以来 この日が9日目であると信じます。

ロケット弾の攻撃は「エルサレムの日 Jerusalem Day」(エルサレムがイスラエルの支配下に再び入ったヘブル歴イッヤル28日を、イスラエル政府が祝日として制定した日のこと)に始まり、

 私たちはこの季節において、神の約束の数々を見るまで どのようにして戦うのかを知らなければなりません。








 −私たちは 神の約束がすでに実現したかのように、それらを宣言しなければなりません。神がそれを語られた時、それは霊的領域において現われました。今や私たちが、現実の領域でそれを産むのです!













1.預言の言葉や夢や幻を通して、神は皆さんに何と語ったのでしょう? 神は私たちが未来を宣言できるよう、私たちにコミュニケーションしたいのです。

2.皆さんは神が動かれるのを待っているのでしょうか? あるいは、それを宣言することによって、それを産み出すのでしょうか? 神はご自身が見ておられるものを、私たちを通して語りたいのです!

3.神が今は存在しないものを「お呼び」になっているなら、皆さんは何を「呼び興し」ているのでしょう? 私たちは、それらがあたかも成された(すでに完了した)かのように「呼ぶ」のです!

4.皆さんの人生、皆さんの配偶者、皆さんの家族や皆さんの経済に対し、皆さんは何を宣言しているのでしょう? 皆さんが「いま見ていること」ではなく、「神が語ってくださっていること」を宣言し始めましょう。

土曜日には、私は「解放の油注ぎ」について教える予定でいます。両方の教えは、この驚くべき新しい季節のために、私たちの人生に対する神の約束の数々を呼び興し 産み出すことができるよう、私たち全員を助けていくでしょう!

KCI Gaius Lawrence Ministries YouTubeチャンネルで放送!

すべては 私たちのために戦ってくださる王イエスのために!
使徒 ゲヤス・ローレンス

Apostolic Prophetic Revelation-Five steps to Fight for your Prophetic Promises!

Dear victorious saints!

I pray that each person was able to enjoy the Feast of Pentecost. The Holy Spirt came in Acts 2, and started a new age of the Church of the Lord Jesus Christ.
We are still in the Church Age and the Church is growing all around the world. Jesus Christ will come back for the Body of Christ one day, and we will live with Him in the New heaven and the New earth.

1 Corinthians 3:6 says, "I have planted, Apollos watered, but God gave the increase." God is the One who causes the promises to manifest.
Remember that we are in a prophetic season of birthing which started around May 9th. Since that apostolic word, the Palestinians have started attacking Israel with many bombs.
I believe it is the ninth day as I write this. We all believe that Israel came back to be a nation again by the hand of God.

We believe that many things have changed in the world since Israel became a nation on May 14, 1948.
The attack started on the Jerusalem Day which is the miraculous war that Israel won in 1967. Jerusalem Day began on May 9 and finished in the evening of May 10.
The attack is against the prophetic destiny of the nation of Israel and for the key city of Jerusalem where Jesus will come back to. But as we are now also the spiritual children of Abraham, we as the church is connected to Israel (Galatians 3:29).

We must in this season know how to fight until we see the promises of God. Here are Five steps to fight for your prophetic promises from Romans 4:16-21.

1. Abraham knew what God had promised him (v.16-17).
- God promised Abraham a child when he could not have a child.
- The nation of Israel was to come through Abraham, and Israel was to bless every nation.
- The promise was an impossible promise for Abraham, but not for God!

2. Abraham believed that God calls those things that be not as though they were (v.17).
- God does not talk like us. God always starts calling for things in the future now. Speaking comes before manifestation.
- God declares the answer and not the problem. We change the problem by prophetic declarations!
- We must declare the promises of God as though they already exist. When God said it, it manifested in the spiritual realm. Now we birth it in the natural realm!

3. Abraham believed in hope (v.18).
- Hope is not wishing. It is a word that means expectancy.
- Abraham believed and then expected for God to do what Abraham was saying.
- As we speak what God has said, God moves to fulfill His promises.

4. Abraham decided to look at God and not his problems (v.19-20).
- We are weak in faith when we look only at the problems in our lives. We can not ignore the problems, but we must declare what God has said.
- To be strong in faith, we must look to God and start thanking Him.
- When we give thanks and praise to God for what He promised, we will be strong in faith.

5. Abraham was fully persuaded that what God had promised, He was able to perform (v.21).
- We do not just declare the promises of God, but we must know that God will perform it.
- As we keep on declaring the promises of God, God is at work.
- We can change our problems by declaring what God has said. Our faith is always activated as we know what God has said.

1. What has God said to you through prophetic words, dreams and visions? God wants to communicate to us so that we speak out the future.

 2. Are you waiting on God or are you going to birth it by declaring it? God wants to speak through us what He sees!

 3. If God is calling for things that do not exist now, what are you calling for? We call for things as if it is done!

 4. Wha are you declaring over your own life, your spouse, your family and your finances? Start declaring what God says and not what you see.

I am looking forward to teaching this Friday on the laws of faith. We must know how faith really works in the Kingdom of God.
On Saturday I will be teaching on the deliverance anointing. Both teachings will help all of us to birth the promises of God for our lives for this amazing new season!

All for King Jesus who fights for us!
apostle Gaius Lawrence
