
使徒的・預言的啓示「イスラエルと教会の上に 主の栄光と光が輝く!」 ゲヤス・ローレンス



主は私たちに、ご自身の栄光を経験することを依然としてお許しになっています! 先週の日曜礼拝の時、主は私に、イザヤ60:1〜3から説教をするように導かれました。終わりの日々にイスラエルと教会に臨んでいる栄光について私が語るにつれ、凄まじい油注ぎが私に臨みました!



−神の民は、光を放つようになります。光とは何でしょう? 「光」とは、神の祝福によって見られる良いものです。 






3.やみの まなかで、イスラエルと教会は、神の良さで輝きます(イザヤ60:2)。 


4.国々や国々の支配者たち(王、大統領、首相たち etc.)は、イスラエルと教会に来るようになります(イザヤ60:3)。 

−イスラエルと教会の上に栄光が臨んでいる しるしは、国々が来て、アブラハムの祝福とつながるようになることです。 


宣言: 私は、神の栄光がイスラエルと教会の上に臨んでいることを宣言します。神の栄光がイスラエルと教会の上に輝くにしたがって、地をおおっている闇が消えていきます。神の祝福は、イスラエルと教会の上に臨んでいます。国々とすべての国の支配者たちは、イスラエルと教会の上に臨んでいる神の光に来ます。神の栄光が、私の上に臨んでいます。神の光が、私の上に臨んでいます。神の良さが、私の上に臨んでいます。神の祝福が、私の上に臨んでいます。私は起き、輝きます!  I will arise and shine!





使徒 ゲヤス・ローレンス

Apostolic Prophetic Revelation- The Glory and the Light of the Lord will rise upon Israel and the Church!

Dear saints!

   It was so good to have Joshua Mills teaching us about the Glory of God last weekend. During the zoom webinar, many people had gold dust manifest, some experienced a heavenly fragrance, and one person who was not able to walk because of injury, was suddenly able to walk and jump! Praise the Lord! The Lord still allows us to experience His Glory! The Lord led me to preach on Isaiah 60:1-3 last Sunday service. A tremendous anointing came upon me as I spoke about the Glory on Israel and on the Church in these Last Days! 

   Isaiah 60 mainly is speaking about Israel and its restoration as a nation. The restoration of Israel began in 1948, when Israel became a nation again! Bible prophecy was fulfilled, and the restoration of the church also began. Lets remember that we as Gentile believers are grafted in with the Jewish people (Romans 11:17-24). We as Gentile believers are connected to the blessings of Abraham. 

1. Israel and the Church will shine with the Glory of God (Is.60:1).    

- The people of God will shine with light. What is light? The light is the good things that are seen by the blessing of God.    

- Jesus told us to let our light shine. Jesus said that our good deeds will cause the people to praise the Lord (Mt.5:16).    

- Our light is also revelation of the truth. Truth is light, and the light is truth. 

2. The darkness and thick darkness covers the earth and over the peoples (Is.60:2).     

- Darkness are lies that satan speaks. Deception covers the people of the earth. The message of the world does not speak truth.    

- 2020 has been a year that the darkness seems to have covered the whole earth. 

3. In the midst of darkness, Israel and the Church shine with the Goodness of God (Is.60:2).    

- Light removes the darkness. God will rise upon Israel and the Church and remove the darkness. 

4. Nations and rulers (kings, presidents, primeministers,etc.) of nations will come to Israel and the Church (Is.60:3).    

- The sign of the Glory upon Israel and the Church is that nations will come and connect with the blessing of Abraham.    

- Nations and people groups will come into the blessing of God that is upon Israel and the Church. 

Declaration: I declare that the Glory of God is upon Israel and the Church. Darkness over the earth will disappear as the Glory of God shines upon Israel and the Church. The Blessing of God is on Israel and the Church. Nations and the rulers of every nation will come to the Light of God that is upon Israel and the Church. The Glory of God is upon me. The light of God is upon me. The goodness of God is upon me. The blessing of God is upon me. I will arise and shine! 

   I am looking forward to coming to Sendai on Friday night to teach on the Principles of the Glory of God. 

On Saturday morning, I will be doing a 2 hour session teaching on this Glory Movement in the new building in Tokyo. 

I will also be doing an open ceremony service on Sunday morning at the new apostolic church building. Lets behold the Glory of God!

All for the Light of God covering the Nations!

apostle Gaius Lawrence
