
使徒的・預言的啓示「反キリストの王国に打ち勝ち、イエス・キリストとともに支配する月! (ベニヤミン族)」ゲヤス・ローレンス





 ベニヤミンが生まれた時、ラケルが亡くなりました。ラケルが名付けた名前は「苦しみの子」を意味する「ベン・オニ Ben-Oni」でした(創35:18)。しかし、ヤコブは「右手の子」を意味する「ベニヤミン」に、その名前を変えました。


1.イエスが ご自分のすべての敵をその足台とするまで、イエスは父の右の座に着いておられます(マタイ22:44、使徒2:33〜35)。 



2.イエスは神の右の座に着いて、私たちのために とりなしていてくださっています(ローマ8:34)。 















 私は「終わりの時、反キリストと獣の刻印」に関する、使徒的スクールの新しいコースを始める予定でいます! 多くの人々は、世界中に広がっているパンデミックによって、世界に何が起こっているのだろうかと案じています。


− 「終わりの日々」とは何でしょう?(英訳聖書の「日」は、複数形) 

−  私たちは「終わりの日々」に生きているのでしょうか? 

− 「反キリスト」とは、「誰」あるいは「何」なのでしょう? 

− 「獣の刻印」とは何でしょう?

− 「666」とは、どのような意味があるのでしょう? 

−  クリスチャンが「獣の刻印」を持つことは可能なのでしょうか?

−  信者たちの額に押される「神の印」とは何でしょう?

−  終わりの日々における聖霊のあらゆる注ぎを、私たちはどうすれば経験できるのでしょう?

− 「イスラエルの再興」と「終わりの日々」は繋がっているのでしょうか? 

申し込み期限 12月6日(日):https://gaiuslawrence.com/event/online-201208

使徒 ゲヤス・ローレンス

Apostolic Prophetic Revelation- Month to overcome the antichrist kingdom and rule with Jesus Christ! (Tribe of Benjamin)

Dear victorious saints!

It was wonderful to have the Lord use Dale Mast to share about how David became a king. We learned that our identity, and our self image is very important to accomplish Gods plan for our lives. 

Yes, God did create us, and God has a plan for our individual lives. For us to do the plan of God, we must know our position in Christ. Faith is needed to move into the new things God has planned for our lives. 

When Benjamin was born, Rachel died. The name Rachel gave was Ben-Oni, which means the son of my sorrow (Genesis 35:18). 

But Jacob changed the name to Benjamin, which means the son of the right hand. This is the month where we make our enemies come under our feet, as we sit with Jesus at the right hand of God (Ephesians 2:6).

1. Jesus is seated at the right hand of the Father, until He makes all His enemies His footstool (Mt.22:44: Acts 2:33-35).
- The New Testament makes it clear that Jesus is ruling now to make His enemies His footstool.
- Jesus rules through the church to overcome the kingdom of darkness. 

2. Jesus is at the right hand of God interceding for us (Romans 8:34).
- Jesus is praying for us. 

3. Jesus is far above all principality, power, might, dominion, and every name that is named (Ephesians 1:18-23).
- Jesus has the highest Name. It has authority over every name.
- Everything is under the feet of Jesus, and Jesus is the Head of the Church (v.21).
- The church is the body of Jesus on earth that overcomes Satan and demons.

 4. Because we are seated with Jesus at the right hand of God, we are to seek those things above (Col.3:1-2).
- We are connected to Jesus in heaven. Our spirit can know what Jesus is saying and praying.
- We are to believe what Jesus is speaking out of His mouth. 

5. Jesus is now the High Priest at the right hand of God and is the Mediator of a Better Covenant (Hebrews 8:1-6).
- We must know that we have a better covenant. Jesus in Heaven is ministering as our High Priest.
- This covenant is established upon better promises. The blood of Jesus is speaking at the right hand of God!

When Jesus sat at the right hand of God, Jesus started ruling as King from Heaven through the church. Jesus and His Kingdom will destroy the kingdoms of Satan. 

In this year of breaking curses, we must rise up with the Name of Jesus and break every curse that is hindering the manifestation of the Blessing of God in our lives. 

It is time to rise up and use our authority in the Name of Jesus. Yes, we are seated at the RIGHT HAND of GOD! (Ephesians.2:6)

I will be starting a new Apostolic School course on the Last days, the AntiChrist, and the Mark of the Beast! Many are wondering what is going on in the world through this worldwide pandemic. In this course I will cover these topics:
- What are the Last days?
- Are we in the Last Days?
- Who or what is the Antichrist?
- What is the Mark of the Beast?
- What does 666 mean?
- Can a Christian have the Mark of the Beast?
- What is the Mark of the Mark of God on the foreheads of believers?
- How do we experience every outpouring of the Holy Spirit in the Last Days?
- Is the restoration of Israel and the Last Days connected.

All for the Crown!
apostle Gaius Lawrence
