
使徒的・預言的啓示「前進するために自分を活性化する7つの方法!」 ゲヤス・ローレンス







 −私たちが動き始めるまで、動き(movement) はありません! 駐車した車は、動き出すことはありません。私たちが動く時、神は語り始めます。 







 −私たちは、自分が走って向かうべき到達点がどこであるかを確実に知っていなければなりません! 私たちは自分の目的地を知るために、明確なゴール・目標を持っていなければなりません。

 −皆さんの約束の地は何でしょうか? 神は過去において、皆さんに何を語ったのでしょう?



 −皆さんはどのような思いで葛藤しているのでしょう? あきらめようとする思いでしょうか? 誰かに対して怒ることでしょうか? それを皆さんの言葉でパンチし、皆さんの霊的敵どもをノックアウトし 打ちのめしましょう。



 −私たちのたましいは、私たちの思いや意志です。私たちは、私たちの からだからの声に対し、権威を行使することを選ばなければなりません。私たちのからだは世やサタンのものではなく、イエスのものにならなければなりません。

 −悪霊どもは、私たちの思いや私たちの からだを攻撃します。私たちは、神が私たちの人生に対して見ておられるものを、私たちの思いが見るように、許していかなければなりません。


 −信者たちが神の約束を経験しないということなど、起こり得るでしょうか?  起こり得ます!   聖書は、神が約束してくださったものを人々が受け取れなかった物語であふれています。














7.救いは この地上での皆さんの歩みの中で、最初のステップに過ぎないということを知っていたでしょうか?


動く時であり、そして主が私たちに約束してくださったものを取る時が来ました!  立ち上がりましょう!   柔和な者は、地を受け継ぎます!

使徒 ゲヤス・ローレンス

Apostolic Prophetic Revelation-7 ways to activate yourself to move ahead!

Dear victorious saints!
It was wonderful to preach from Church of Praise Chubu last Sunday. The Lord is still speaking about birthing our prophetic destinies. 

Satan and his kingdom is working hard to stop the blessings of God upon the church and the nations. The Lord wants us to not give up, and see what the Holy Spirit is revealing to us for our personal lives. 

Our faith must rise up with our patience to inherit the promises of God.

Here are seven ways to activate yourself to move ahead:

1. We must start running to get what God promised us (1 Corinthians 9:24).
- There is no movement until we start moving! A parked car is not going to move. When we move, God starts speaking.
- There is a prize or rewards in this life and the life to come. We must look to the promises and not to the problem.

2. We must have self-control (1 Cor.9:25).
- If we choose to control our lives, we will obtain an incorruptible crown to rule in this earth.
- We should stop controlling other people, and choose to start training our own lives to be victorious.
- We first watch our own lives. We have to know how to get what God has promised us.

3. We have to be certain of where we are going (1 Cor.9:26).
- We must know for sure where we need to run to! We must have clear goals to know our destination.
- What is your promised land? What did God speak to you in the past?

 4. We have to punch the things that are stopping us from our destiny (1 Cor.9:26).
- Paul said that we should not just box the air. We must punch the enemies in our flesh that keeps us in the same place.
- What thoughts are you struggling with? Thoughts to give up? Thoughts to get angry with someone? Punch it with your words and knock out your spiritual enemies.

5. We need to make our bodies obey us (1 Cor.9:27).
-When we were saved, our spirits became born again. Our soul and our body did not get saved.
- Our soul is our mind and our will. We must choose to take authority over the voices from our bodies. Our body must belong to Jesus, and not to the world or to Satan.
- Demons attack our mind and our bodies. We must allow our mind to see what God sees for our lives.

 6. We need to make sure that we do not get disqualified (1 Cor.9:27).
- Is is possible for believers to not experience the promises of God? Yes! the Bible is full of stories where people did not receive what God had promised.
- We must become qualified to receive what the Lord wants to give us.
- We become qualified when we are faithful and obey what the Lord is saying to us. Walking in love is a big key for our faith to work.

 7. We need to walk in revelation, knowledge, prophecy and teaching (1 Cor.14:4-9).
- Paul said that if we pray in tongues, we are just talking to the air. This is good but we need knowledge.
- We are told to pray for interpretation of what we pray in tongues. We have to have prophetic revelation to fight the good fight of faith.
- We have to speak what God has said. When we give up declaring, then Satan and the second heaven wins. Lest run to get the prize!

Questions to ask yourself!
1. What burdens are you still carrying that a is slowing you down?
2. Do you love everyone, even your enemies?
3. Are you doing what God called you to do?
4. Do you know why God made you?
5. Do you know why you are alive?
6. What is your purpose on this earth?
7. Do you know that salvation was only the first step in your walk on this earth?
8. Are you fighting with the prophetic words that you received in the past?

It is time to move and take what the Lord has promised us! Lets rise up! The meek will inherit the earth!
All for King Jesus!
apostle Gaius Lawrence
