
使徒的・預言的啓示「神の国に入るための7つの方法!」 ゲヤス・ローレンス



「わたしに向かって、『主よ、主よ』と言う者がみな天の御国に入るのではなく、天におられる わたしの父のみこころを行う者が入るのです」(マタイ7:21)。「天の御国」すなわち「神の国」に入るためには、私たちは神のみこころを行わなければなりません。


「イエスは答えられた。『わたしの国はこの世のものではありません。もし この世のものであったなら、わたしのしもべたちが、わたしをユダヤ人に渡さないように、戦ったことでしょう。しかし、事実、わたしの国は この世のものではありません』」(ヨハネ18:36)。

1.「天の御国」は、この世の制度や この世の体制に属するものではありません。「天」は、王イエスが支配される場所です。「天」は国であり、惑星であるのです。


3.「国 kingdom」と訳されているところのギリシャ語の原語は「basileia」です。この言葉は「王家の・王権 royalty」、もしくは「支配」を意味します。これは「王」が支配する場所です。イエスが支配できる場所、そここそが、「神の国」が現われる場所です。 




1.私たちの義は、律法学者やパリサイ人たちの義に まさらなければなりません(マタイ5:20)。 




2.私たちは 神のみこころを行わなければなりません(マタイ7:21)。 















6.私たちは、多くの試練を経て 神の国に入ります(使徒14:22)。 


−私たちは「迫害」と「困難」が来た時に、喜ばなければなりません。呪うのではなく、祝福することを私たちが選ぶにしたがって、私たちは さらに神の国の満ち満ちた現われの中に歩むことができます。









使徒 ゲヤス・ローレンス

Apostolic Prophetic Revelation-7 ways to enter into the Kingdom of God!

Dear Kingdom saints!

Jesus said, "Not every one that says unto me, Lord,Lord, shall enter into the Kingdom of Heaven, but he that does the will of my Father which is in Heaven." To enter into the Kingdom of Heaven or God, we must do the will of God.

What is the Kingdom of God?

"Jesus said, My Kingdom is not of this world. If my kingdom were of this world, then would my servants fight, that I be delivered to the Jews, but as it is, My Kingdom is not of this realm."

1. The Kingdom of Heaven is not of this world system. Heaven is where King Jesus rules. Heaven is a country and a planet.

2. The Kingdom of God and the Kingdom of Satan is invisible (Mt.12:28).
It is invisible but everyone on earth comes under the rule of Jesus or the rule of Satan.

3. The word for kingdom is "basileia".
This word means, "royalty" or "rule". It is a place where the King rules. Where Jesus can rule, that is were His Kingdom manifests.

4. The Kingdom of God is here now and will be complete in the future when Jesus comes back.

5. The Kingdom of Heaven is invisible now, but when Jesus and Hs Kingdom comes down to earth from Heaven, all things of Heaven will be visible.

How to enter into the Kingdom of God?

1. Our righteousness has to exceed the scribes and Pharisees (Mat.5:20).
-Our righteousness must be both outward and inward.
- Our heart motives and heart attitudes is what God sees.
- We are commanded by Jesus to seek the righteousness of Heaven (Mat.6:33). God is Holy and He wants us to be holy.

2. We must do the will of God (Mat.7:21).
- We are not just to seek prophecy, deliverance and miracles. We are to seek to do what is right before God.
- Prayer is not just calling on God. We must choose to walk away from iniquity (Mat.7:23).

 3. We must become like little children (Mat.18:3-4).
- Little children are innocent and also very trusting. As we grow older, we lose the joy that children have.
- Jesus told us to humble ourselves as a little child. Let us not think that we know everything. We need our Father God.
- We must learn to trust our Father God. God is wanting to reveal Himself as our good and kind Father. Our Father will take care of us.

 4. We must learn not to trust in riches only (Mat.19:23-24).
- Money is important but we must learn to trust in God who blesses us.
- We should be rich in good deeds to God and to others. Being rich in heaven is the key to joy in this life.
- Loving money is the greatest deception. We are to love God and serve Him until we enter into Heaven.

 5. We must learn to stop doing anything that will cause us to enter into the Kingdom of Heaven (Mark 9:47).
- When we allow sin to come into our lives, we can start going away from our faith in Jesus.
- What we look at, what we hear, and what we say can cause us to not enter into the Kingdom realm.
- We must choose to guard our thoughts and guard what we listen to.

 6. We enter into the Kingdom through a lot of tribulation (Acts 14:22).
- The word tribulation means trouble and persecution. We must know that we will go through trouble to get into the Kingdom.
- We should rejoice when persecution and trouble comes. We can walk in more of the Kingdom as we choose to bless and not to curse.

 7. We enter into the Kingdom by being born again (John 3:3,5)
- Every human being experiences a human birth. But God wants everyone to experience spiritual birth.
- The spiritual birth is the birth of the inner person. Our spirit is born again but our soul and body is not born again.
- We must enter in to the Kingdom to see and experience the Kingdom of God. God wants to manifest His Kingdom realm to our lives even now!

  We must not just be a citizen of the Kingdom of Heaven. We must choose to enter into the Kingdom of Heaven now! 

Yes, we will go to a country called Heaven after we finish our race on the earth, but we must see the Kingdom power and glory now. 

We must seek for the Kingdom to come, and for the plan of King Jesus to be done in our lives. Lets enter into the Kingdom now!

All for the realm of the Kingdom of Heaven!
apostle Gaius Lawrence
