
使徒的・預言的啓示「光である神とのパートナーシップ!祝う時! 暗闇が去っている!」ゲヤス・ローレンス




5781年は、すべての呪いを打ち砕く年です!イエスさま、感謝します! 今年は、神の光によって暗闇に対し私たちが勝利を見る年です。イエスさま、感謝します! 

主は今週の日曜日に、すべての暗闇に打ち勝つために私たちが神ご自身とパートナーになることができることを信じるよう導かれました! 暗闇が離れ去っているので、祝う時です!(イザヤ60:1〜3)。



















祝福はどこにあるのでしょう? 勝利の人生はどこにあるのでしょう? 私の人生で、神の良さがすべて現わされる人生はどこにあるのでしょう? 赦しの喜びはどこにあるのでしょう? 落ち込みに対する勝利の人生はどこにあるのでしょう? 

このコースは、私たちの人生において神の良さが現われるのを止める、すべての呪いとすべての妨げに対する勝利の人生を私たちに明らかにしていきます! 今年が、私たちが神の光によって すべての呪いのサイクルに打ち勝つことを選ぶ年なのです! 



暗闇が去る時!   祝いましょう!

使徒 ゲヤス・ローレンス 

Apostolic Prophetic Revelation-Partnership with God who is Light! Time to celebrate! Darkness is leaving!

Dear victorious saints!

 It was so wonderful to hear apostle Trevor last Saturday. God is wanting us to grow in our experience  with the Glory of God. We can grow in the level of the manifestation of the presence of God, as we move with God. 5781 is the year to break every curse! Thank you Jesus! This is the year where we see victory over darkness by the light of God. Thank you Jesus! The Lord led us last Sunday to believe that we can become a partner with God Himself to overcome every darkness! It is time to celebrate because darkness is leaving! (Isaiah 60:1-3)

Here are 4 key points to partner with God to see victory;

1. There is no fellowship between darkness and light (2 Cor.6:14). 

- The word fellowship is "koinonia". This word means "partnership". We can not partner with darkness and light at the same time.    

- God is light (1 John 1:5). God does not have any darkness. 

2. There is no fellowship or partnership with God if we walk in darkness (1 John 1:6).    

- We can lie and deceive ourselves by thinking that we are in partnership with God.   

- The deception comes when we do not believe the truth of the Word of God.    

- We must have the right mindset to partner with God. 

3. We can partner with God if we believe the truth of His grace and mercy (1 John 1:7).   

- The Bible says that if we say we have no sin, we lie.    

- When we believe what God says about cleansing of our sin, we walk in the light.    

- God is light, so this means that we go to Him.    

- All sin is forgiven and every evil is cleansed when we come to Jesus! Jesus Himself cleanses us!

4. Doubting the goodness of God will cause us to live in defeat!   

- If we doubt, we will not receive anything from the Lord (James 1:7).    

- Doubting will keep us away from the Light. God is Light!   

- To partner with God, we must trust His kindness and goodness. God is light!

 I want to encourage everyone to join the new apostolic school course, to upgrade our understanding of walking with God in victory. Where is the blessing? Where is the life of victory? Where is the life where every goodness of God manifests in my life? Where is the joy of forgiveness? Where is the life of victory over depression? This course will show us the life of victory over every curse and every hindrance that stops the goodness of God to manifest in our lives! This is the year where we choose to overcome every curse cycle by the light of God! The new course will start next Tuesday! 

Time for darkness to leave! Celebrate!

apostle Gaius Lawrence
